Source code for harmonia.utils

Utilities (:mod:`~harmonia.utils`)

Provide utilities for processing and logging as well as common mathematical
function and algorithms.

**Processing and monitoring**

.. autosummary::



.. autosummary::



import logging
import random
import sys
import time
import warnings

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

__all__ = [

# Processing and monitoring utilities
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Progress: """Progress status of tasks. This is an alternative to ``tqdm`` for cases where progress is not uniform and only needs to be infrequently reported to a logger. If multiple parallel processes exist, progress status is only reported for the first and last of them. Parameters ---------- task_length : int Total number of tasks. num_checkpts : int, optional Number of checkpoints for reporting progress (default is 4). process_name : str or None, optional If not `None` (default), this is the process name to be logged. logger : :class:`logging.Logger` *or None, optional* Logger. If `None` (default), a print statement is issued. comm : :class:`mpi4py.MPI.Comm` *or None, optional* MPI communicator (default is `None`). root : int, optional Root process number (default is 0). Attributes ---------- process_name : str or None, optional If not `None` (default), this is the process name to be logged. task_length : int Total number of tasks. progress_checkpts : float Scheduled progress check points, ``0 < progress_checkpts <= 1``. last_checkpt : int Index of the last passed checkpoint, ``0 <= last_checkpt <= num_checkpts``. Examples -------- >>> ntasks = 100 >>> p = Progress(ntasks, process_name='null test') >>> for task_idx in range(ntasks): ... Progress for the single 'null test' process: 25% computed. Progress for the single 'null test' process: 50% computed. Progress for the single 'null test' process: 75% computed. Progress for the single 'null test' process: 100% computed. """ def __init__(self, task_length, num_checkpts=4, process_name=None, logger=None, comm=None, root=0): self.process_name = process_name self.task_length = task_length self.logger = logger if self.process_name is None: self._proc_name = "" else: self._proc_name = "'{}' ".format(process_name) if comm is None: self._which_proc = 'single' else: if comm.rank == root: tracked_rank = random.randint(0, comm.size - 1) else: tracked_rank = None tracked_rank = comm.bcast(tracked_rank, root=root) self._which_proc = _num_to_ordinal(tracked_rank + 1) \ if comm.rank == tracked_rank else None self.progress_checkpts = \ np.linspace(1. / num_checkpts, 1., num=num_checkpts) self.last_checkpt = 0 self._progressor = self._initialise()
[docs] def report(self, current_position): """Report the current position in the tasks. Parameters ---------- current_position : int Index of the current position in the tasks (starting from 0). """ next(self._progressor) self._progressor.send(current_position)
def _initialise(self): while True: current_idx = yield current_progress = (current_idx + 1) / self.task_length place_in_checkpts = np.searchsorted( self.progress_checkpts, current_progress, side='right' ) if place_in_checkpts > self.last_checkpt \ and self._which_proc is not None: if self.logger is None: print( "Progress for the {} {}process: {:.0f}% computed." .format( self._which_proc, self._proc_name, 100 * current_progress ) ) else: "Progress for the %s %sprocess: %.0f%% computed.", self._which_proc, self._proc_name, 100 * current_progress ) self.last_checkpt = place_in_checkpts yield
class _LoggerFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Customised logging formatter. """ _start_time = time.time() def format(self, record): """Modify the default logging record by adding elapsed time in hours, minutes and seconds. Parameters ---------- record : :class:`Logging.LogRecord` Default logging record object. Returns ------- str Modified record message with elapsed time. """ elapsed_time = record.created - self._start_time h, remainder_time = divmod(elapsed_time, 3600) m, s = divmod(remainder_time, 60) record.elapsed = "(+{}:{:02d}:{:02d})".format(int(h), int(m), int(s)) return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
[docs]def setup_logger(): """Return the root logger formatted with elapsed time and piped to ``stdout``. Returns ------- logger : :class:`logging.Logger` Formatted root logger. """ logger = logging.getLogger() logging_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) logging_formatter = _LoggerFormatter( fmt='[%(asctime)s %(elapsed)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) logging_handler.setFormatter(logging_formatter) logger.addHandler(logging_handler) return logger
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs]def clean_warning_format(message, category, filename, lineno, line=None): """Clean warning message format. Parameters ---------- message, category, filename, lineno : str Warning message, warning catagory, origin filename, line number. line : str or None, optional Source code line to be included in the warning message (default is `None`). Returns ------- str Warning message format. """ filename = filename if "harmonia" not in filename \ else "".join(filename.partition("harmonia")[1:]) return '%s:%s: %s: %s\n' % (filename, lineno, category.__name__, message)
[docs]def restore_warnings(captured_warnings): """Emit captured warnings. Parameters ---------- captured_warnings : *list of* :class:`warnings.WarningMessage` List of recorded warnings as returned by ``warnings.catch_warnings(record=True)``. """ for record in captured_warnings: warnings.showwarning( record.message, record.category, record.filename, record.lineno, file=record.file, line=record.line )
def _allocate_tasks(total_task, total_proc): """Allocate tasks to processes for parallel computation. If `total_proc` processes share `total_task` tasks, then this decides the numbers of tasks, `tasks`, different processes receive: the rank-``i`` process receives ``tasks[i]`` many tasks. Parameters ---------- total_task : int Total number of tasks. total_proc : int Total number of processes. Returns ------- tasks : list of int Number of tasks for each process. """ try: total_task, total_proc = int(total_task), int(total_proc) except TypeError as error: raise TypeError( "`total_task` and `total_proc` must have integer values." ) from error num_task_remaining, num_proc_remaining, tasks = total_task, total_proc, [] while num_task_remaining > 0: num_task_assigned = num_task_remaining // num_proc_remaining tasks.append(num_task_assigned) num_task_remaining -= num_task_assigned num_proc_remaining -= 1 return tasks def _allocate_segments(tasks=None, total_task=None, total_proc=None): """Allocate segments of tasks to each process by the number of tasks it receives and its rank. For instance, if the rank-``i`` process receives ``tasks[i]`` tasks (e.g. assigned by :func:`_allocate_tasks`), then this function assigns a slice of the indexed tasks it should receive, with the indices in ascending order in correspondence with ranks of the processes. Parameters ---------- tasks : list of int or None, optional Number of tasks each process receives. Cannot be `None` if either `total_task` or `total_proc` is `None`. If not `None`, `total_task` and `total_proc` are both ignored. total_task : int or None, optional Total number of tasks. Ignored if `tasks` is not `None`, otherwise cannot be `None`. total_proc : int or None, optional Total number of processes. Ignored if `tasks` is not `None`, otherwise cannot be `None`. Returns ------- segments : list of slice Index slice of the segment of tasks that each process should receive. """ if tasks is None: tasks = _allocate_tasks(total_task, total_proc) if total_proc is None: total_proc = len(tasks) breakpoints = np.insert(np.cumsum(tasks), 0, values=0) segments = [ slice(breakpoints[rank], breakpoints[rank + 1]) for rank in range(total_proc) ] return segments
[docs]def mpi_compute(data_array, mapping, comm=None, root=0, process_name=None, update_rate=None): """Multiprocess mapping of data with optional progress bar. For each map to be applied, the input data array is scattered over the first axis for computation on difference process, and the computed results are gathered in the exact structure of the input data array on the root process. Parameters ---------- data_array : array_like Data array. mapping : callable Mapping to be applied. comm : :class:`mpi4py.MPI.Comm` *or None, optional* MPI communicator. If `None`, no multiprocessing is performed. root : int, optional Rank of the process taken as the root process (default is 0). process_name : str or None If `None` (default), no progress bar is displayed; else this is the process name to be displayed. update_rate : int or None, optional If not `None` (default), this is the progress bar update rate (in inverse seconds). Has no effect if `process_name` is not provided. Returns ------- output_array : array_like or None Output data processed from `mapping`. Returns `None` for process ranks other than `root`. """ process_name = "" if process_name is None \ else process_name[0].upper() + process_name[1:] update_rate = 1 if update_rate is None else update_rate ## Deal with single processes. if comm is None or comm.size == 1: if process_name: output_array = list(tqdm( map(mapping, data_array), total=len(data_array), mininterval=update_rate, desc=process_name, file=sys.stdout )) else: output_array = list(map(mapping, data_array)) return output_array ## Deal with multiple processes. if root + 1 > comm.size: root = 0 warnings.warn( "Root rank reset to 0 as `root` exceeds the number of processes." ) # Decides which process to track. if comm.rank == root: tracked_rank = random.randint(0, comm.size - 1) else: tracked_rank = None tracked_rank = comm.bcast(tracked_rank, root=root) tracked_process = " ({} process)".format(_num_to_ordinal(tracked_rank + 1)) segments = _allocate_segments( total_task=len(data_array), total_proc=comm.size ) data_chunk = data_array[segments[comm.rank]] comm.Barrier() if process_name and comm.rank == tracked_rank: output = list(tqdm( map(mapping, data_chunk), total=len(data_chunk), mininterval=update_rate, desc=(process_name + tracked_process).strip(), file=sys.stdout )) else: output = list(map(mapping, data_chunk)) comm.Barrier() output = comm.gather(output, root=root) output_array = None if comm.rank == root: try: output_array = np.concatenate(output, axis=0) except ValueError: output_array = [ array_in_block for output_block in output for array_in_block in output_block ] output_array = comm.bcast(output_array, root=root) return output_array
def _num_to_ordinal(num): _determine_suffix = lambda n: { 1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd", 11: "th", 12: "th", 13: "th" }.get(n % 100 if n % 100 < 20 else n % 10, "th") return "{}{}".format(num, _determine_suffix(num)) # Mathematical functions and algorithms # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def const_function(const): """Return a constant function with arbitrary arguments. Parameters ---------- const : float Constant value. Returns ------- callable Constant function. """ return lambda *args, **kwargs: const
def normalise_vector(vector_array): """Normalise vector(s). Parameters ---------- vector_array : float, array_like An array of row vectors. Returns ------- float :class:`numpy.ndarray` Normalise vector array. """ norms = np.linalg.norm(vector_array, axis=-1) return vector_array / norms[:, None] def _scan_interval(func, a, b, dx): """Scan an interval from the lower end to detect sign changes. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function whose sign-change interval is to be found. a, b: float Initial interval end points, ``a < b``. dx : float Increment from the interval lower end, ``dx > 0``. Returns ------- x_low, x_high : float or None End points for a sign-change interval, ``x_low < x_high``. `None` if the result is null. """ # Incremental interval. x_low, x_high = a, a + dx f_low, f_high = func(x_low), func(x_high) # Continue interval increments unless sign changes. while f_low * f_high >= 0: # Terminate when incremental interval goes outside the # overall interval. if x_low >= b: return None, None x_low, x_high = x_high, x_high + dx f_low, f_high = f_high, func(x_high) return x_low, x_high def _find_root(func, x_low, x_high, convergence=1.e-9): """Bisection method for root finding. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function whose zero bracket is to be found. x_low, x_high: float Initial interval end points. convergence : float, optional Convergence precision for setting maximum iteration number (default is 1.e-9). Returns ------- float or None Single possible root. """ f_low, f_high = func(x_low), func(x_high) # Trivial termination scenarios. if f_low == 0: return x_low if f_high == 0: return x_high if f_low * f_high > 0: warnings.warn("Root is not bracketed.", RuntimeWarning) return None maxiter = int(np.log((x_high - x_low)/convergence) / np.log(2) + 1) for _ in range(maxiter): x_middle = (x_low + x_high) / 2 f_middle = func(x_middle) if f_middle == 0: return x_middle if f_high * f_middle < 0: x_low = x_middle f_low = f_middle else: x_high = x_middle f_high = f_middle return (x_low + x_high) / 2
[docs]def covar_to_corr(covar): """Convert a covariance matrix to its correlation matrix. Parameters ---------- covar : complex, array_like Covariance matrix. Returns ------- corr : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Correlation matrix. """ inv_diag = np.diag(np.power(np.abs(np.diag(covar)), - 1./2.)) corr = inv_diag @ covar @ inv_diag return corr
[docs]def mat_logdet(matrix): """Calculate logarithm of the determinant of a matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix : float or complex, array_like Matrix. Returns ------- log_det : float Logarithm of the matrix determinant. """ _, log_det = np.linalg.slogdet(matrix) return log_det
[docs]class PositiveDefinitenessWarning(UserWarning): """Emit a warning when a matrix is not positive definite. """
[docs]def is_positive_definite(matrix): """Check the positive definiteness of a square matrix by attempting a Cholesky decomposition. Parameters ---------- matrix : float or complex, array_like Matrix. Returns ------- bool Positive definiteness. """ try: _ = np.linalg.cholesky(matrix) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return False else: return True