Source code for harmonia.surveyor.synthesis

Synthesis (:mod:`~harmonia.surveyor.synthesis`)

Systhesise FKP-style paired random catalogues for given survey

This can be used for determining survey window functions and estimating
correlation induced by geometric filtering.

.. autosummary::



import warnings

import numpy as np
import psutil
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as Spline
from mcfit import P2xi
from nbodykit.lab import FKPCatalog

from harmonia.algorithms.arrays import CartesianArray
from harmonia.mapper.catalogue_maker import (
from harmonia.mapper.map_transform import CartesianMap, SphericalMap
from harmonia.reader.likelihoods import spherical_covariance

[docs]class SyntheticCatalogue: r"""Synthetic catalogue for probing survey geometry. Parameters ---------- mean_density : float Mean number density (in cubic :math:`h`/Mpc). boxsize : float, array_like Catalogue boxsize (in Mpc/:math:`h`) as a scalar or a triple of scalars. contrast : float or None, optional Contrast of the number density of the secondary random catalogue to that of the primary. If `None` (default), the secondary catalogue is not produced. This cannot be `None` if `sphericalise` is provided. expansion : float, optional Expansion factor of the catalogue box for grid assignment (default is 1.). Ignored if `sphericalise` is set. sphericalise : float or None, optional If not `None` (default), this is passed to the `radius` parameter of :class:`~.mapper.catalogue_maker.SphericalFKPCatalogue` for instantiating the synthetic catalogue. mask, selection, weight : callable or None, optional Survey mask, selection or weight function (default is `None`). Must be given as a function of Cartesian coordinate only assuming the origin is at the centre of the catalogues. apply_selection_as_veto : bool, optional If `True` (default is `False`), `selection` returning boolean values is applied to the 'Selection' column of the catalogues instead of the 'NZ' column (see `nbodykit` documentation for this peculiarity.) Attributes ---------- spherical_coefficients : :class:`~.arrays.SphericalArray` or None Density contrast coefficients. Only available after :meth:`compute_spherical_coefficients` is called. power_multipoles : :class:`~.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` or None Power spectrum multipoles. Only available after :meth:`compute_power` is called. window_multipoles : :class:`~.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` or None Power spectrum multipoles of the window function at sampled separations. Only available after :meth:`compute_window` is called. mask_multipoles : :class:`~.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` or None Correlation function multipoles of the window function at sampled separations. Only available after :meth:`compute_mask` is called. attrs : dict Attributes inherited from input parameters. """ def __init__(self, number_density, boxsize, contrast=None, expansion=1., sphericalise=None, mask=None, selection=None, weight=None, apply_selection_as_veto=False): boxsize = [boxsize,] * 3 if np.isscalar(boxsize) \ else boxsize self.attrs = { 'number_density': number_density, 'boxsize': boxsize, 'contrast': contrast, 'expansion': expansion, 'sphericalise': sphericalise, } self._synthetic_catalogue = self._synthesise( number_density, boxsize, contrast, expansion, mask, selection, weight, apply_selection_as_veto, radius=sphericalise ) self.spherical_coefficients = None self.power_multipoles = None self.window_multipoles = None self.mask_multipoles = None self._intrpl_k = None self._intrpl_power = None self._intrpl_s = None self._intrpl_correlation = None def __str__(self): str_info = ", ".join( [f"{name}={val}" for name, val in self.attrs.items()] ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str_info})"
[docs] def compute_spherical_coefficients(self, disc): """Compute the spherical Fourier density contrast coefficients of the synthetic catalogue. Parameters ---------- disc : :class:`~.algorithms.discretisation.DiscreteSpectrum` Discrete spectrum. Returns ------- :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.arrays.SphericalArray` Density contrast coefficients. See Also -------- :class:`~harmonia.mapper.map_transform.SphericalMap` """ spherical_map = SphericalMap(self._synthetic_catalogue, disc) return spherical_map.density_contrast
[docs] def compute_power(self, orders, kmin=1.e-4, kmax=None, dk=None, num_mesh=256, resampler='tsc', interlaced=True): """Compute the power spectrum multipoles of the synthetic catalogue. Parameters ---------- orders : sequence of int Orders of the power spectrum multipoles. kmin : float, optional Minimum wavenumber of the map (in :math:`h`/Mpc) (default is 1.e-4). kmax : float or None, optional Maximum wavenumber of the map (in :math:`h`/Mpc) (default is `None`). If `None`, `kmax` is the Nyquist wavenumber determined from `num_mesh`. dk : float or None, optional Wavenumber bin width (in :math:`h`/Mpc) (default is `None`). num_mesh : int, optional Mesh number per dimension for interpolating the discrete catalogues on a grid. resampler : {'cic', 'tsc', 'pcs'}, optional Grid assignment scheme (default is ``'tsc'``) for catalogue interpolation. interlaced : bool, optional If `True` (default), use interlacing for aliasing mitigation. Returns ------- :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` Power spectrum multipoles binned in wavenumbers. See Also -------- :class:`~harmonia.mapper.map_transform.CartesianMap` """ if self.power_multipoles is not None: warnings.warn( "Power spectrum multipoles have already been computed; " "they are now being recomputed." ) # Check if there is sufficient memory; if not, # reduce the mesh number. while psutil.virtual_memory().available < 10 * 768**3: num_mesh /= 2 warnings.warn( "Mesh number reduced due to limited memory", RuntimeWarning ) # Set the Nyquist wavenumber as ther upper limit. if kmax is None: kmax = np.pi * num_mesh \ / min(self._synthetic_catalogue.attrs['BoxSize']) cartesian_map = CartesianMap( self._synthetic_catalogue, orders, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, dk=dk, num_mesh=num_mesh, resampler=resampler, interlaced=interlaced ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Filter out warnings when the secondary catalogue # in the synthetic FKP-style catalogue pair is None, # as it would cause division by zero. warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message=".*invalid value encountered.*" ) warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, message="divide by zero encountered in double_scalars" ) self.power_multipoles = cartesian_map.power_multipoles return self.power_multipoles
[docs] def compute_window(self, orders, kmin=1.e-6, **kwargs): """Compute the Fourier-space window function multipoles from the synthetic catalogue. Parameters ---------- orders : sequence of int Orders of the power spectrum multipoles. kmin : float, optional Minimum wavenumber (in :math:`h`/Mpc) (default is 1.e-6). **kwargs Any other parameters to be passed to :meth:`~.compute_power`. Returns ------- :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` Window function multipoles binned in logarithmic wavenumbers. See Also -------- :meth:`~.compute_power` """ LOG10_K_MAX = 1. NUM_EXTENSION = 1000 NUM_INTERPOLATION = pow(2, 10) if np.isclose(self.attrs['expansion'], 1.): warnings.warn( "No padding for catalogue box when computing " "the window function. You may want to resynthesise " "the catalogue with `expansion` set above 1." ) # Need to compute power spectrum multipoles first. power_multipoles = self.compute_power(orders, kmin=kmin, **kwargs) raw_k = power_multipoles.attrs['wavenumbers'] raw_power = { ell: power_multipoles.array['power'][ power_multipoles.array['order'] == ell ] for ell in orders } # Linear padding and then logarithmic padding in wavenumbers. padding = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(raw_k))) lin_extension = np.max(raw_k) + padding * np.arange(1, NUM_EXTENSION) log_extension = np.logspace( np.log10(np.max(raw_k) + padding * NUM_EXTENSION), LOG10_K_MAX, num=NUM_EXTENSION ) ext_k = np.r_[raw_k, lin_extension, log_extension] ext_power = { ell: np.r_[raw_power[ell], np.zeros(2 * NUM_EXTENSION - 1)] for ell in orders } # Resample at log-spaced wavenumbers. self._intrpl_k = np.logspace( *np.log10(ext_k[[0, -1]]), num=NUM_INTERPOLATION ) self._intrpl_power = { ell: Spline(ext_k, ext_power[ell], k=1)(self._intrpl_k) for ell in orders } # Store as an attribute. orders = np.sort(orders).tolist() self.window_multipoles = CartesianArray(orders, self._intrpl_k) self.window_multipoles[:] = np.concatenate( [self._intrpl_power[ell] for ell in orders] ) # Normalise all values to the monopole at vanishing wavenumbers. self.window_multipoles[:] /= self.window_multipoles[0] return self.window_multipoles
[docs] def compute_mask(self, orders, *args, **kwargs): """Compute the configuration-space mask function multipoles from the synthetic catalogue by Hankel transform of the window function multipoles. Parameters ---------- orders : sequence of int Orders of the mask function multipoles. *args, **kwargs Any other position and keyword parameters to be passed to :meth:`~.compute_window`. Only required when :attr:`window_multipoles` is not available. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Mask function multipoles binned in logarithmic separations. This is a NumPy structured array similar to :attr:`array` of :class:`~.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray`. See Also -------- :class:`~.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` """ NUM_INTERPOL = pow(2, 14) # Need to compute window function multiples first. if self.window_multipoles is None \ or max(orders) not in self._intrpl_power: self.window_multipoles = self.compute_window( orders, *args, **kwargs ) # Hankel transform window function multipoles. with warnings.catch_warnings(): # suppress warnings from `mcfit` warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', message=( "The default value of extrap has been changed to False, " "set it to True if you cannot reproduce previous results" ) ) raw_correlation = { ell: P2xi(self._intrpl_k, l=ell, lowring=True)( self._intrpl_power[ell], extrap=False ) for ell in orders } raw_s = [raw_correlation[ell][0] for ell in orders] raw_correlation.update({ell: raw_correlation[ell] for ell in orders}) # Resample at log-spaced separations. self._intrpl_s = np.logspace( np.log10(np.min(raw_s)), np.log10(np.max(raw_s)), num=NUM_INTERPOL ) self._intrpl_correlation = { ell: Spline(*raw_correlation[ell], k=1)(self._intrpl_s) for ell in orders } # Create a structure array dedicated for storing mask multipoles. self.mask_multipoles = np.empty( np.size(orders) * np.size(self._intrpl_s), dtype=np.dtype({ 'names': ['order', 'separation', 'correlation'], 'formats': ['i4', 'f8', 'f8'], }) ) self.mask_multipoles['order'] = np.repeat(orders, len(self._intrpl_s)) self.mask_multipoles['separation'] = np.tile( self._intrpl_s, len(orders) ) # Normalise all values to the monopole at vanishing separations. self.mask_multipoles['correlation'] = np.concatenate( [self._intrpl_correlation[ell] for ell in orders] ) / raw_correlation[0][-1][0] return self.mask_multipoles
@staticmethod def _synthesise(number_density, boxsize, contrast, expansion, mask, selection, weight, apply_selection_as_veto, radius=None): primary_catalogue = RandomCatalogue(number_density, boxsize) if contrast is not None: secondary_catalogue = RandomCatalogue( contrast * number_density, boxsize ) else: secondary_catalogue = None # No sphericalisation; reimplement FKP build similar to # :class:`~harmonia.mapper.catalogue_maker.SphericalFKPCatalogue`. if radius is None: for catalogue in [primary_catalogue, secondary_catalogue]: if catalogue is None: break catalogue['Location'] = \ catalogue['Position'] - np.divide(boxsize, 2) catalogue['NZ'] = number_density * catalogue['Selection'] if callable(mask): catalogue['Selection'] *= mask(catalogue['Location']) if callable(selection): if apply_selection_as_veto: catalogue['Selection'] *= \ selection(catalogue['Location']) else: catalogue['NZ'] *= selection(catalogue['Location']) if callable(weight): catalogue['Weight'] *= weight(catalogue['Location']) return FKPCatalog( primary_catalogue, secondary_catalogue, BoxSize=np.multiply(expansion, boxsize) ) # Reuse :class:`~.mapper.catalogue_maker.SphericalFKPCatalogue`. spherical_catalogue = SphericalFKPCatalogue( radius, data_catalogue=primary_catalogue, random_catalogue=secondary_catalogue, mask=mask, selection=selection, weight=weight, apply_selection_as_veto=apply_selection_as_veto ) return FKPCatalog( spherical_catalogue.data_catalogue, spherical_catalogue.random_catalogue, BoxSize=np.multiply(expansion, boxsize) )
[docs]class CovarianceEstimator: """Covariance matrix estimator for power spectrum multipoles at fiducial values. Parameters ---------- realisations : sequence of :class:`~.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` Independent realisations of power spectrum multipoles from which the covariance matrix is estimated. For each realisation, orders and wavenumbers of the multipoles must be sorted. reference : :class:`~.arrays.CartesianArray` *or None, optional* Underlying power spectrum multipoles binned in wavenumber that are realised for covariance estimation. Orders and wavenumbers of the multipoles must be sorted. If `None` (default), this is determined by the average of `realisations`. Attributes ---------- realisations : sequence of :class:`~.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` Independent realisations of power spectrum multipoles from which the covariance matrix is estimated. reference : :class:`~.arrays.CartesianArray` or None Underlying power spectrum multipoles binned in wavenumber that are realised for covariance estimation. wavenumbers : float :class:`ndarray` Wavenumbers at which the covariance matrix is estimated. This is set by `reference` if available; otherwise it is set by the first of `realisations`. See Also -------- :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` """ def __init__(self, realisations, reference=None): self.realisations = realisations self.reference = reference if self.reference is not None: self.wavenumbers = np.unique(self.reference.array['wavenumber']) else: self.wavenumbers = np.unique( self.realisations[0].array['wavenumber'] ) def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__ if self.reference is not None: state.update({'reference': self.reference.__getstate__()}) return state def __setstate__(self, state): for attr, value in state.items(): if attr == 'reference' and value is not None: reference = object.__new__(CartesianArray) reference.__setstate__(value) setattr(self, 'reference', reference) else: setattr(self, attr, value)
[docs] def save(self, output_file): """Save the estimator with its attributes as a .npz file. Parameters ---------- output_file : *str or* :class:`pathlib.Path` Output file path. """ np.savez(output_file, **self.__getstate__())
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, input_file): """Load the estimator with its attributes from a .npz file. Parameters ---------- input_file : *str or* :class:`pathlib.Path` Input file path. """ state_data = np.load(input_file, allow_pickle=True) state = {} for attr in state_data.files: try: state.update({attr: state_data[attr].item()}) except (AttributeError, ValueError): state.update({attr: state_data[attr]}) self = object.__new__(cls) self.__setstate__(state) return self
[docs] def get_fiducial_vector(self, pivot): """Return the fiducial data vector for which the covariance matrix is estimated. Parameters ---------- pivot : {'order', 'wavenumber'} Pivot order used for data vectorisation. Returns ------- float :class:`numpy.ndarray` Fiducial vector. """ data_matrix = [ realisation.vectorise(pivot) for realisation in self.realisations ] data_mean = np.mean(data_matrix, axis=0) if self.reference is None: return data_mean fiducial_vector = self.reference.vectorise(pivot) if not np.allclose(data_mean, fiducial_vector, rtol=0.1): warnings.warn( "Realisation average deviates from `truth` " "by more than 10% for some data entries." ) return fiducial_vector
[docs] def get_fiducial_covariance(self, pivot): """Return the fiducial covariance matrix estimated from data realisations. Parameters ---------- pivot : {'order', 'wavenumber'} Pivot order used for data vectorisation. Returns ------- float :class:`numpy.ndarray` Estimate fiducialcovariance. """ data_matrix = [ realisation.vectorise(pivot) for realisation in self.realisations ] return np.cov(data_matrix, rowvar=False, ddof=1)
[docs]def generate_compression_matrix(fiducial_model_kwargs, extremal_model_kwargs=None, sensitivity_threshold=0.01, discard=None): r"""Generate a compression matrix for spherical modes. Notes ----- Compression is achieved by discarding non-positive eigenvalue modes that are at least :math:`10^{-8}` times smaller than the largest and in addition any of the following means: * `discard` is passed to discard a number of low-eigenvalue modes; * `extremal_model_kwargs` is passed and eigenvalues of the resulting model covariance are compared with those from `fiducial_covariance`. Modes corresponding to low, insensitive (i.e. relative difference less than `sensitivity_threshold`) are discarded. * A combination of the above if the appropriate parameters are passed. Parameters ---------- fiducial_model_kwargs : dict Fiducial model parameters to be passed to :func:`~.reader.likelihoods.spherical_covariance`. extremal_model_kwargs : dict or None, optional Extremal model parameters to be passed to :func:`~.reader.likelihoods.spherical_covariance`. sensitivity_threshold: float, optional Sensitivity threshold for modes deemed discardable (default is 0.01). discard : int or None, optional Number of low-eigenvalue modes to discard from all modes (default is `None`). Returns ------- compression_matrix : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Compression matrix. """ fiducial_covariance = spherical_covariance(**fiducial_model_kwargs) evals_fiducial, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(fiducial_covariance) selectors = [] # Compression by positive magnitude. selectors.append(evals_fiducial > 1.e-8 * np.max(evals_fiducial)) # Compression by discard. if discard is not None: selectors.append(np.arange(len(evals_fiducial)) >= discard) # Compression by comparison for sensitivity. extremal_covariance = spherical_covariance(**extremal_model_kwargs) evals_extremal = np.linalg.eigvalsh(extremal_covariance) selectors.append( ~np.isclose(evals_extremal, evals_fiducial, rtol=sensitivity_threshold) ) # pylint: disable=no-member # Compress and reverse order. evecs = evecs[:, np.logical_and.reduce(selectors)][:, ::-1] compression_matrix = np.conj(evecs).T return compression_matrix