Source code for harmonia.reader.models

Two-point correlator models (:mod:`~harmonia.reader.models`)

Compute Fourier-space two-point correlator models.

Cartesian multipoles

The standard Kaiser model of plane-parallel power spectrum multipoles is

.. math::

        P_0(k, z) &=
                b_1(z)^2 + \frac{2}{3} b(z, k) f(z) + \frac{1}{5} f(z)^2
            \right] P_\mathrm{m}(k, z) \,, \\
        P_2(k, z) &=
                \frac{4}{3} b(z, k) f(z) + \frac{4}{7} f(z)^2
            \right] P_\mathrm{m}(k, z) \,, \\
        P_4(k, z) &= \frac{8}{35} f(z)^2 P_\mathrm{m}(k, z) \,,

with shot noise, window convolution and the integral constraint taken
into account [1]_ [2]_; here :math:`f(z)` is the linear growth rate,
:math:`b(z, k) = b_1(z) + f_\textrm{NL} \Delta b(k, z)` is the
scale-dependent linear bias including the modification :math:`\Delta b`
due to local primordial non-Gaussianity :math:`f_\textrm{NL}` (see
:mod:`~harmonia.cosmology.scale_dependence`), and :math:`P_{\textrm{m}}`
is the matter power spectrum.

.. [1] Wilson M. J. et al., 2017. MNRAS 464(3), 3121–3130.
    [arXiv: `1511.07799 <>`_]

.. [2] Beutler F. et al., 2017. MNRAS 466(2), 2242–2260.
    [arXiv: `1607.03150 <>`_]

Spherical correlator

Spherical 2-point correlators are computed from coupling coefficients
(see :mod:`~harmonia.reader.couplings`) as a sum of the signal part

.. math::

    \left\langle \delta_\mu \delta_\nu \right\rangle = \sum_\sigma
        M_{\mu\sigma} M^*_{\nu\sigma} \left[
            b_*(k_\sigma) \Phi_{\mu\sigma} + f_* \Upsilon_{\mu\sigma}
        \right] \left[
            b_*(k_\sigma) \Phi_{\nu\sigma} + f_* \Upsilon_{\nu\sigma}
        \right] \kappa_\sigma^{-1} P_{\textrm{m}*}(k_\sigma) \,,

and the shot noise part

.. math::

    \left\langle \epsilon_\mu \epsilon_\nu \right\rangle =
        \frac{1}{\bar{n}} M_{\mu\nu} \int \operatorname{d}\!r r^2
        (w^2\phi)(r) j_\mu(r) j_\nu(r) \,,

where :math:`*` denotes quantities computed at the fiducial epoch
:math:`z_*`, :math:`\kappa` denotes the normalisation coefficients (see
:mod:`~harmonia.algorithms.discretisation`), :math:`\bar{n}` is the mean
number density and
:math:`j_\mu(r) \equiv j_{\ell_\mu}(k_{\ell_\mu n_\mu} r)`.

.. autosummary::



import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import IntegrationWarning
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as Spline
from mcfit import P2xi, xi2P
from nbodykit.lab import cosmology

from harmonia.algorithms.arrays import CartesianArray, SphericalArray
from harmonia.algorithms.integration import radial_integral
from harmonia.cosmology.geometry import (
from harmonia.cosmology.scale_dependence import scale_dependence_modification
from harmonia.utils import Progress, mpi_compute, restore_warnings

from .couplings import Couplings, SphericalCoefficientWarning, _group_couplings
from ._kernels import shot_noise_kernel

[docs]class CartesianMultipoles: """Power spectrum multipoles predicted for a given cosmological model and survey specifications. Parameters ---------- wavenumbers : float, array_like Wavenumbers at which the model is evaluated. redshift : float Redshift at which the model is evaluated. cosmo : :class:`nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` *or None, optional* Baseline cosmological model used to produce the transfer function and power spectrum and to compute the linear growth rate. This can be subsequently updated when calling :meth:`~.convolved_power_multipoles`. If `None` (default) and not subsequently updated, primordial non-Gaussianity modifications cannot be computed. power_spectrum : callable or None, optional Baseline linear matter power spectrum model at `redshift`. Ignored when `cosmo` is provided. This cannot be `None` (default) unless it is subsequently updated when calling :meth:`~.convolved_power_multipoles`. growth_rate : float or None, optional Baseline linear growth rate at `redshift`. If `None` (default), this is set by `cosmo` if it is provided; otherwise this is set to 0. This can be subsequently updated when calling :meth:`~.two_point_correlator` or :meth:`~.correlator_matrix`. mask_multipoles : :class:`numpy.ndarray` *or None, optional* Survey mask multipoles given at sampled separations (default is `None`). Orders and sampled separations must be sorted. window_multipoles : :class:`~.CartesianArray` *or None, optional* Survey window multipoles given at sampled wavenumbers (default is `None`). If provided, integral constraint corrections are applied. Orders and sampled wavenumbers must be sorted. Attributes ---------- mask_multipoles : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None Survey mask multipoles given at sampled separations. window_multipoles : :class:`~.CartesianArray` or None Survey window multipoles given at sampled wavenumbers. cosmo : :class:`nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` or None Cosmological model. matter_power_spectrum : callable Matter power spectrum at `redshift`. growth_rate : float Linear growth rate at `redshift`. attrs : dict Any other attributes inherited from input parameters. """ _LOG_K_RANGE_SAMP = -5, 1 _NUM_SAMP = pow(2, 14) _PREDICTED_ORDERS = [0, 2, 4] def __init__(self, wavenumbers, redshift, cosmo=None, power_spectrum=None, growth_rate=None, mask_multipoles=None, window_multipoles=None): self.attrs = { 'wavenumbers': wavenumbers, 'redshift': redshift, } self._k = wavenumbers self._z = redshift self._mask_multipoles = mask_multipoles self._window_multipoles = window_multipoles # Dense sampling wavenumbers for window convolution. self._k_samp = np.logspace(*self._LOG_K_RANGE_SAMP, num=self._NUM_SAMP) # Set a baseline model. May be subsequently updated. Also # pre-compute quantities at set wavenumbers. self._set_baseline_model(cosmo, power_spectrum, growth_rate)
[docs] def convolved_power_multipoles(self, orders, b_1=None, f_nl=None, nbar=None, contrast=None, tracer_p=1., update_model_kwargs=None): """Compute the convolved power spectrum multipoles. Parameters ---------- orders : list of int Orders of the power spectrum multipoles. Values only allowed from the set {0, 2, 4}. b_1 : float or None, optional Scale-independent linear bias at input redshift. If `None` (default), no tracer bias is assumed relative to the matter power spectrum. f_nl : float or None, optional Local primordial non-Gaussianity (default is `None`). nbar : float or None, optional Mean particle number density (in cubic :math:`h`/Mpc). If `None` (default), shot noise is neglected. contrast : float or None, optional If not `None` (default), this adds additional shot noise ``1 / (contrast * nbar)`` from a FKP-style random catalogue. tracer_p : float, optional Tracer-dependent parameter for bias modulation by `f_nl` (default is 1.). update_model_kwargs : dict or None, optional Parameters `cosmo`, `power_spectrum` and `growth_rate` passed as keyword arguments to update the baseline cosmological model. Returns ------- convolved_power : :class:`~.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` Convolved power spectrum multipoles. """ # Updated initial baseline cosmological model if relevant # arguments specified. if update_model_kwargs is not None: self._set_baseline_model(**update_model_kwargs) b_1 = b_1 or 1. if f_nl is not None and self.cosmo is None: raise TypeError( "Cannot accept `f_nl` values without input `cosmo`." ) alpha = 0. if contrast is None else 1 / contrast shot_noise = (1 + alpha) / nbar convolved_power = CartesianArray( orders, self._k, shot_noise=shot_noise ) # If no survey mask, no convolution is needed. if self._mask_multipoles is None: b_k = b_1 * np.ones_like(self._k) if f_nl: b_k += self._mode_modification * f_nl * (b_1 - tracer_p) convolved_power[:] = np.concatenate([ self.kaiser_factors(ell, b_k, self.growth_rate) * self._mode_powers + np.equal(ell, 0) * shot_noise for ell in orders ]) return convolved_power # Get mask multipoles as a directory. s_mask = np.unique(self._mask_multipoles['separation']) mask = { ell: self._mask_multipoles['correlation'][ self._mask_multipoles['order'] == ell ] for ell in np.unique(self._mask_multipoles['order']) } # Get power multipoles at densely sampled points for interpolation. b_k_samp = b_1 * np.ones_like(self._k_samp) if f_nl: b_k_samp += self._mode_modification_samp * f_nl * (b_1 - tracer_p) power_samp = { ell: self.kaiser_factors(ell, b_k_samp, self.growth_rate) \ * self.matter_power_spectrum(self._k_samp) for ell in self._PREDICTED_ORDERS } # Hankel transform to correlation multipoles. with warnings.catch_warnings(): # suppress `mcfit` warning warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', message=( "The default value of extrap has been changed to False, " "set it to True if you cannot reproduce previous results" ) ) correlation = { ell: Spline( *P2xi(self._k_samp, l=ell, lowring=True)( power_samp[ell], extrap=False ), k=1 )(s_mask) for ell in self._PREDICTED_ORDERS } # Convolve correlation multipoles. correlation_convolved = { ell: self._convolve(ell, correlation, mask) for ell in orders } # Hankel transform back to power multipoles. with warnings.catch_warnings(): # suppress warnings from `mcfit` warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', message=( "The default value of extrap has been changed to False, " "set it to True if you cannot reproduce previous results" ) ) power_conv = { ell: Spline( *xi2P(s_mask, l=ell, lowring=True)( correlation_convolved[ell], extrap=False ), k=1 )(self._k) + np.equal(ell, 0) * shot_noise for ell in orders } # Apply integral constraint (ic) corrections. if self._window_multipoles is None: warnings.warn( "`window_multipoles` attribute is missing. " "Integral constraint is not corrected." ) else: # Get window multipoles. k_win = np.unique( self._window_multipoles.array['wavenumber'] ) window = { ell: self._window_multipoles.array['power'][ self._window_multipoles.array['order'] == ell ] for ell in np.unique(self._window_multipoles.array['order']) } # Interpolate window multipoles at model wavenumbers. window_intrpl = { ell: Spline(k_win, window[ell])(self._k) for ell in power_conv } with warnings.catch_warnings(): # suppress warnings from `mcfit` warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', message=( "The default value of extrap has been changed " "to False, set it to True if you cannot " "reproduce previous results" ) ) ic_correction = Spline( *xi2P(s_mask, l=0, lowring=True)( correlation_convolved[0], extrap=False ), k=1 )(0) power_conv.update({ ell: power_conv[ell] - ic_correction * window_intrpl[ell] for ell in orders }) convolved_power[:] = np.concatenate( [power_conv[ell] for ell in orders] ) return convolved_power
[docs] @staticmethod def kaiser_factors(ell, b, f): """Return the standard Kaiser power spectrum multipole as a multipole of the matter power spectrum. Notes ----- Linear bias `b` and growth rate `f` must be specified at the same redshift. Parameters ---------- ell : int Order of the multipole in {0, 2, 4}. b : float, array_like Linear bias of the tracer particles. f : float or None Linear growth rate. Returns ------- float, array_like Standard Kaiser factor to multiply by the matter power spectrum. """ if ell == 0: factor = b**2 + 2./3. * b * f + 1./5. * f**2 elif ell == 2: factor = 4./3. * b * f + 4./7. * f**2 elif ell == 4: factor = 8./35. * f**2 else: raise ValueError("Multipole order must be one of {0, 2, 4}.") return factor
def _set_baseline_model(self, cosmo=None, power_spectrum=None, growth_rate=None): # If `cosmo` is not None, `self._kernel` as A(k) (see docstring), # `self._mode_modification` is its evaluation at wavenumbers. # `self._mode_powers` is the evaluated matter power spectrum. self.cosmo = cosmo if self.cosmo is None: self.matter_power_spectrum = power_spectrum self.growth_rate = growth_rate or 0. self._kernel = None self._mode_modification = None self._mode_modification_samp = None else: self.matter_power_spectrum = cosmology.LinearPower( self.cosmo, redshift=self._z, transfer='CLASS' ) self.growth_rate = growth_rate if growth_rate is not None \ else self.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_rate(self._z) self._kernel = scale_dependence_modification(self.cosmo, self._z) self._mode_modification = self._kernel(self._k) self._mode_modification_samp = self._kernel(self._k_samp) # (Re-)set pre-computed quantities. try: self._mode_powers = self.matter_power_spectrum(self._k) self._mode_powers_samp = self.matter_power_spectrum(self._k_samp) except TypeError: warnings.warn( "Cannot evaluate :attr:`matter_power_spectrum`. " "No baseline model is current set." ) @staticmethod def _convolve(order, correlation, mask): if order == 0: return correlation[0] * mask[0] \ + 1./5. * correlation[2] * mask[2] \ + 1./9. * correlation[4] * mask[4] if order == 2: return correlation[0] * mask[2] \ + correlation[2] * ( mask[0] + 2./7. * mask[2] + 2./7. * mask[4] ) \ + correlation[4] * ( 2./7. * mask[2] + 100./693. * mask[4] + 25./143. * mask[6] ) if order == 4: return correlation[0] * mask[4] \ + correlation[2] * ( 18./35. * mask[2] + 20./77. * mask[4] + 45./143. * mask[6] ) \ + correlation[4] * ( mask[0] + 20./77. * mask[2] + 162./1001. * mask[4] + 20./143. * mask[6] + 490./2431. * mask[8] ) raise ValueError(f"Order not predicted by the model: {order}.")
[docs]class SphericalCorrelator: """Spherical two-point correlator predicted for a given cosmological model and survey specifications. Notes ----- Summation is performed over spherical modes to compute the correlator model. Owing to mode couplings, sums need to be truncated at higher mode wavenumbers than wavenumbers under consideration to ensure convergence. We suggest the user trial discrete spectra with different upper wavenumber cutoffs for the couplings and use :meth:`~.radialised_power` to gauge convergence. In the future, an automated facility for this purpose may be provided. Parameters ---------- disc : :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.discretisation.DiscreteSpectrum` Discrete spectrum associated with the correlator model. redshift : float Redshift at which the model is evaluated. cosmo : :class:`nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` *or None, optional* Baseline cosmological model used to produce the transfer function (and the power spectrum and linear growth rate if these are not set but required in model evaluation). This can be subsequently updated when calling :meth:`~.two_point_correlator` or :meth:`~.correlator_matrix`. If `None` (default) and not subsequently updated, primordial non-Gaussianity modifications cannot be computed. power_spectrum : callable or None, optional Baseline linear matter power spectrum model at `redshift`. Ignored when `cosmo` is provided; otherwise this cannot be `None` (default) unless it is subsequently updated when calling :meth:`~.two_point_correlator` or :meth:`~.correlator_matrix`. growth_rate : float or None, optional Baseline linear growth rate at `redshift`. If `None` (default), this is set by `cosmo` (if provided); otherwise this is set to zero. This can be subsequently updated when calling :meth:`~.two_point_correlator` or :meth:`~.correlator_matrix`. couplings : :class:`~.couplings.Couplings` *or None, optional* Baseline coupling coefficients consistent with the underlying cosmological model `cosmo`. If `None` (default), this is compiled from `survey_specs` and `cosmo_specs` if either is provided; otherwise all couplings are assumed to be trivial (i.e. angular and radial couplings are Kronecker deltas). This can be subsequently updated when calling :meth:`~.two_point_correlator` or :meth:`~.correlator_matrix`. coupling_disc : :class:`~.couplings.Couplings` *or None, optional* Discrete spectrum for the baseline coupling coefficients (default is `None`). This must be provided if `couplings` is `None` and needs to be compiled. To ensure sum convergence in the correlator model, the upper wavenumber cutoff for this spectrum may need to be higher than that of the correlator model, i.e. `disc`. survey_specs : dict{str: callable or None} or None, optional Survey specification functions to be passed as `survey_specs` to :class:`~harmonia.reader.couplings.Couplings` when couplings are compiled. Also used in shot noise calculations. cosmo_specs : dict{str: callable, bool or None} or None, optional Baseline cosmological specification functions to be passed as `cosmo_specs` to :class:`~harmonia.reader.couplings.Couplings` when couplings are compiled. If not `None` (default), it must be a dictionary holding keys listed in :class:`~.couplings.Couplings`: if callable values are passed to the keys ``'chi_of_z'``, ``'clustering_evolution'``, ``'growth_evolution'`` or ``'differential_AP_distortion'``, they should be consistent with the current :attr:`cosmo`; otherwise `True` can be passed here and their values are then derived from `cosmo` (which must then be set), or unspecified keys assume `None` values; also note some keys are linked and values must be simultaneously provided. This can be subsequently updated when calling :meth:`~.two_point_correlator` or :meth:`~.correlator_matrix`. ini_shot_noise : bool, optional If `True` (default), shot noise integrals are evaluated upon initialisation. comm : :class:`mpi4py.MPI.Comm` *or None, optional* MPI communicator. If `None` (default), no multiprocessing is invoked. Attributes ---------- couplings : :class:`nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` or None Spherical coupling coefficients. cosmo : :class:`nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` or None Cosmological model. matter_power_spectrum : callable Matter power spectrum at `redshift`. growth_rate : float Linear growth rate at `redshift`. attrs : dict Any other attributes inherited from input parameters. See Also -------- :class:`~harmonia.reader.couplings.Couplings` More details related to `couplings` and especially the `cosmo_specs` parameter. """ def __init__(self, disc, redshift, cosmo=None, power_spectrum=None, growth_rate=None, couplings=None, coupling_disc=None, survey_specs=None, cosmo_specs=None, ini_shot_noise=True, comm=None): self.comm = comm self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.attrs = { 'disc': disc, 'redshift': redshift, } self._disc = disc self._z = redshift # NOTE: This assignment is needed to help :meth:`_render_cosmo_specs` # set the couplings next, which are not initialised with `cosmo`, # whose formal assignment must come after in # :meth:`_set_baseline_model`, as therein the couplings are processed. self.cosmo = cosmo self._survey_specs = survey_specs self._cosmo_specs = self._render_cosmo_specs(cosmo_specs) if couplings is None: self._dummy_disc = coupling_disc self.couplings = Couplings( self._dummy_disc, survey_specs=self._survey_specs, cosmo_specs=self._cosmo_specs, initialise=True, comm=self.comm ) else: self._dummy_disc = couplings.disc self.couplings = couplings # Group couplings for mass access. self._grouped_couplings = _group_couplings(self.couplings) # Set a baseline model and pre-compute power and transfer function for # fixed modes. May be subsequently updated. # NOTE: This step must come after setting the `couplings` attribute, # since it also (re-)processes the radial/RSD couplings. self._set_baseline_model( cosmo=cosmo, power_spectrum=power_spectrum, growth_rate=growth_rate ) # Compile shot noise levels and cosmology-independent angular # coupling sums as directories to reduce computational redundancy. if ini_shot_noise: self._shot_noise_levels = self._compile_shot_noise_levels() else: self._shot_noise_levels = None if self.couplings is None: self._angular_sums = None else: self._angular_sums = self._compile_angular_sums()
[docs] def two_point_correlator(self, mu, nu, b_1, f_nl=None, nbar=None, contrast=None, tracer_p=1., update_model_kwargs=None): """Compute two-point correlator for given triplet indices. Parameters ---------- mu, nu : tuple(int, int, int) Coefficient triplet index. b_1 : float Scale-independent linear bias at input redshift. f_nl : float or None, optional Local primordial non-Gaussianity (default is `None`). nbar : float or None, optional Mean particle number density (in cubic :math:`h`/Mpc). If `None` (default), shot noise is neglected. contrast : float or None, optional If not `None` (default), this adds additional shot noise ``1 / (contrast * nbar)`` from a FKP-style random catalogue. tracer_p : float, optional Tracer-dependent parameter for bias modulation by `f_nl` (default is 1.). update_model_kwargs : dict or None, optional Parameters `cosmo`, `power_spectrum`, `growth_rate` and `cosmo_specs` passed as keyword arguments to update the baseline cosmological model. If `cosmo_specs` is passed (including `None` values), radial and RSD couplings will be updated. Returns ------- complex Spherical Fourier 2-point function value for given triplet indices. If `cosmo_specs` is passed, radial and RSD couplings will be updated. """ if update_model_kwargs is not None: if 'cosmo_specs' in update_model_kwargs: update_model_kwargs.update({'update_couplings': True}) self._set_baseline_model(**update_model_kwargs) f = self.growth_rate # Grand sum over dummy degree index, say `ell_sigma`. correlator_value = 0. for ell_idx, ell_sigma in enumerate(self._dummy_disc.degrees): # Fetch angular sum over order `m_sigma`. try: angular_sum = self._get_angular_sums(mu, nu)[ell_sigma] except TypeError: # Non-subscriptable 0.'s and 1.'s independent of degree. angular_sum = self._get_angular_sums(mu, nu) # Perform radial sum over depth `n_sigma`. b_k = b_1 if f_nl: b_k += f_nl * (b_1 - tracer_p) \ * self._mode_modification[ell_idx] if f: radial_sum = np.sum( ( b_k * self._get_grouped_couplings('radial', mu)[ell_idx] + f * self._get_grouped_couplings('rsd', mu)[ell_idx] ) * ( b_k * self._get_grouped_couplings('radial', nu)[ell_idx] + f * self._get_grouped_couplings('rsd', nu)[ell_idx] ) * self._normalised_mode_powers[ell_idx] ) else: radial_sum = np.sum( b_k * self._get_grouped_couplings('radial', mu)[ell_idx] * b_k * self._get_grouped_couplings('radial', nu)[ell_idx] * self._normalised_mode_powers[ell_idx] ) correlator_value += angular_sum * radial_sum if nbar is not None: alpha = 0. if contrast is None else 1 / contrast correlator_value += (1 + alpha) / nbar \ * self._get_shot_noise_level(mu, nu) return correlator_value
[docs] def correlator_matrix(self, pivot, b_1=None, f_nl=None, nbar=None, contrast=None, tracer_p=1., diagonal=False, shot_noise_only=False, update_model_kwargs=None, report_progress=False): """Compute two-point correlator matrix for some vetorisation of all spectrum modes. Parameters ---------- pivot : {'natural', 'spectral'} Pivot order for vectorisation. b_1 : float Scale-independent linear bias at input redshift. f_nl : float or None, optional Local primordial non-Gaussianity (default is `None`). nbar : float or None, optional Mean particle number density (in cubic :math:`h`/Mpc). If `None` (default), shot noise is neglected. contrast : float or None, optional If not `None` (default), this adds additional shot noise ``1 / (contrast * nbar)`` from a FKP-style random catalogue. tracer_p : float, optional Tracer-dependent parameter for bias modulation by `f_nl` (default is 1.). diagonal : bool, optional If `True` (default is `False`), return only the diagonal matrix part. shot_noise_only : bool, optional If `True` (default is `False`), return only the shot noise correlator matrix. update_model_kwargs : dict or None, optional Parameters `cosmo`, `power_spectrum`, `growth_rate` and `cosmo_specs` passed as keyword arguments to update the baseline cosmological model. If `cosmo_specs` is passed (including `None` values), radial and RSD couplings will be updated. report_progress : bool, optional If `True` (default is `False`), progress status will be reported. Returns ------- complex :class:`numpy.ndarray` Two-point correlator matrix vectorised by the given pivot. See Also -------- :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.arrays.SphericalArray` """ if update_model_kwargs is not None: if 'cosmo_specs' in update_model_kwargs: update_model_kwargs.update({'update_couplings': True}) self._set_baseline_model(**update_model_kwargs) index_array = SphericalArray(self._disc) # NOTE: Careful sorting is needed here. if pivot == 'natural': index_vector = [ tuple(index) for index in index_array.array['index'] ] elif pivot == 'spectral': index_vector = [ tuple(index) for index in index_array.array['index'][ np.argsort(index_array.array['wavenumber']) ] ] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid pivot option: {pivot}.") dim = len(index_vector) ## Diagonal: Only return diagonal matrix. if diagonal: # Shot noise contribution. if nbar is None: shot_noise_diag = np.zeros(dim, dtype=complex) else: alpha = 0. if contrast is None else 1 / contrast shot_noise_diag = (1 + alpha) / nbar * np.asarray([ self._get_shot_noise_level(mu, mu) for mu in index_vector ]) if shot_noise_only: return np.diag(shot_noise_diag) # Signal contribution. signal_diag = np.asarray([ self.two_point_correlator( mu, mu, b_1=b_1, f_nl=f_nl, tracer_p=tracer_p ) for mu in index_vector ]) two_point_corr_diag = signal_diag + shot_noise_diag return np.diag(two_point_corr_diag) ## Full: Return the entire correlator matrix. # Shot noise contribution. shot_noise_mat = np.zeros((dim,) * 2, dtype=complex) if nbar is not None: alpha = 0. if contrast is None else 1 / contrast shot_noise_amplitude = (1 + alpha) / nbar for row_idx in range(dim): for col_idx in range(row_idx + 1): mu, nu = index_vector[row_idx], index_vector[col_idx] shot_noise_mat[row_idx, col_idx] = shot_noise_amplitude * \ self._get_shot_noise_level(mu, nu) if shot_noise_only: return shot_noise_mat # Signal contribution. if report_progress: progress = Progress( (1 + dim) * dim / 2, process_name="correlator matrix", logger=self.logger, comm=self.comm ) idx = 0 else: progress = None signal_mat = np.zeros((dim,) * 2, dtype=complex) for row_idx in range(dim): for col_idx in range(row_idx + 1): mu, nu = index_vector[row_idx], index_vector[col_idx] signal_mat[row_idx, col_idx] = self.two_point_correlator( mu, nu, b_1=b_1, f_nl=f_nl, tracer_p=tracer_p ) # pylint: disable=multiple-statements if progress:; idx += 1 # Use Hermitian property to fill in the strictly upper triangular part. two_point_corr_mat = signal_mat + shot_noise_mat two_point_corr_mat[np.triu_indices(dim, k=1)] = np.conj( np.transpose(two_point_corr_mat) )[np.triu_indices(dim, k=1)] return two_point_corr_mat
[docs] def radialised_power(self, b_1=None, f_nl=None, nbar=None, contrast=None, tracer_p=1., shot_noise_only=False): """Compute the radialised spherical mode power. Notes ----- This relies on :meth:`~.correlator_matrix` with ``diagonal=True``. Results are only meaningful in the radialisation limit when all coupling coefficients are trivial (i.e. Kronecker deltas) so that spherical modes are mutually independent [3]_. Mode power is averaged over equivalent spherical orders and suitably normalised so that it matches the Cartesian power spectrum for a full-sky statistically isotripoc map. Parameters ---------- b_1 : float Scale-independent linear bias at input redshift. f_nl : float or None, optional Local primordial non-Gaussianity (default is `None`). nbar : float or None, optional Mean particle number density (in cubic :math:`h`/Mpc). If `None` (default), shot noise is neglected. contrast : float or None, optional If not `None` (default), this adds additional shot noise ``1 / (contrast * nbar)`` from a FKP-style random catalogue. tracer_p : float, optional Tracer-dependent parameter for bias modulation by `f_nl` (default is 1.). shot_noise_only : bool, optional If `True` (default is `False`), return only the shot noise power. Returns ------- dict Radialised spherical mode powers at wavenumbers with mode indices. See Also -------- :attr:`~harmonia.mapper.map_transform.SphericalMap.mode_power` .. [3] Rassat A. & Refregier A., 2012. A&A 540, A115. [arXiv: `1112.3100 <>`_] """ diagonal_correlator = self.correlator_matrix( 'natural', b_1=b_1, f_nl=f_nl, nbar=nbar, contrast=contrast, tracer_p=tracer_p, diagonal=True, shot_noise_only=shot_noise_only ) index_vector = self._gen_operable_indices(self._disc) normalisation_vector = [ self._disc.normalisations[index[0], index[-1]] for index in index_vector ] mode_power_array = SphericalArray(self._disc) mode_power_array[:] = np.multiply( normalisation_vector, np.diag(diagonal_correlator) ) mode_powers = mode_power_array.vectorise('spectral', collapse='mean') wavenumbers = np.sort(list(self._disc.wavenumbers.values())) return { 'wavenumbers': wavenumbers, 'mode_powers': np.real(mode_powers), }
def _set_baseline_model(self, **kwargs): """(Re-)set baseline model. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Parameters `cosmo`, `power_spectrum`, `growth_rate`, `cosmo_specs` and `update_couplings` to be set or reset. """ ## `self._kernel` is A(k) (see docstring), `self._mode_modification` ## is its evaluation at wavenumbers, and `self._normalised_mode_powers` ## is the evaluated matter power spectrum normalised 'spherically'. if 'cosmo' in kwargs: self.cosmo = kwargs['cosmo'] # (Re-)set pre-computed quantities. if self.cosmo is None: self._kernel = None self._mode_modification = None else: self._kernel = scale_dependence_modification( self.cosmo, self._z ) self._mode_modification = [ np.asarray([ self._kernel( self._dummy_disc.wavenumbers[ell_sigma, n_sigma] ) for n_sigma in range(1, nmax_sigma + 1) ]) for ell_sigma, nmax_sigma in zip( self._dummy_disc.degrees, self._dummy_disc.depths ) ] if 'power_spectrum' in kwargs: if self.cosmo is None: self.matter_power_spectrum = kwargs['power_spectrum'] else: self.matter_power_spectrum = cosmology.LinearPower( self.cosmo, redshift=self._z, transfer='CLASS' ) # (Re-)set pre-computed quantities. try: self._normalised_mode_powers = [ np.asarray([ self.matter_power_spectrum( self._dummy_disc.wavenumbers[ell_sigma, n_sigma] ) / self._dummy_disc.normalisations[ell_sigma, n_sigma] for n_sigma in range(1, nmax_sigma + 1) ]) for ell_sigma, nmax_sigma in zip( self._dummy_disc.degrees, self._dummy_disc.depths ) ] except TypeError: warnings.warn( "Cannot evaluate :attr:`matter_power_spectrum`. " "No baseline model is current set." ) if 'growth_rate' in kwargs: if self.cosmo is None: self.growth_rate = kwargs['growth_rate'] or 0. else: self.growth_rate = kwargs['growth_rate'] \ if kwargs['growth_rate'] is not None \ else self.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_rate(self._z) ## Only necessary to update radial and RSD couplings (based on the ## latest `cosmo` attribute) when `cosmo_specs` is specified. Any ## previously computed angular couplings are attached. if kwargs.get('update_couplings'): try: self._cosmo_specs = \ self._render_cosmo_specs(kwargs['cosmo_specs']) except KeyError: warnings.warn( "`update_couplings` is ignored as `cosmo_specs` was not " "passed. If you intend it to be `None` it still needs to " "be explicitly passed." ) else: try: current_angular_couplings = \ self.couplings.couplings['angular'] except (AttributeError, KeyError): current_angular_couplings = None self.couplings = Couplings( self._dummy_disc, survey_specs=self._survey_specs, cosmo_specs=self._cosmo_specs, external_angular_couplings=current_angular_couplings, initialise=True, comm=self.comm ) self._grouped_couplings = _group_couplings(self.couplings) def _render_cosmo_specs(self, cosmo_specs): # This renders `cosmo_specs` ready to be passed to # :class:`~.couplings.Couplings` for coupling compilation. _error_msg = ( "Cannot convert '{}' from True to callable as " "the `cosmo` attribute is not set." ) if cosmo_specs is None: return None if isinstance(cosmo_specs, dict): # pylint: disable=protected-access _cosmo_specs = dict.fromkeys(Couplings._cosmo_specs.keys()) if not set(cosmo_specs.keys()).issubset(_cosmo_specs.keys()): raise ValueError( "Invalid `cosmo_specs` keys: {}.".format( set(cosmo_specs.keys()) - set(_cosmo_specs.keys()) ) ) _cosmo_specs.update(cosmo_specs) # Convert `True` values using the `cosmo` attribute. if _cosmo_specs['z_from_r'] is True: try: z_from_r = redshift_from_distance(self.cosmo) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(_error_msg.format('z_from_r')) else: _cosmo_specs.update({'z_from_r': z_from_r}) if _cosmo_specs['clustering_evolution'] is True: try: clustering_evolution = lambda z: \ self.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(z) \ / self.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(self._z) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(_error_msg.format('clustering_evolution')) else: _cosmo_specs.update({ 'clustering_evolution': clustering_evolution }) if _cosmo_specs['growth_evolution'] is True: try: growth_evolution = lambda z: \ self.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_rate(z) \ / self.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_rate(self._z) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(_error_msg.format('growth_evolution')) else: _cosmo_specs.update({'growth_evolution': growth_evolution}) if _cosmo_specs['differential_AP_distortion'] is True: try: diff_AP = differential_AP_distortion( _cosmo_specs['chi_of_z'], self.cosmo.comoving_distance ) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( _error_msg.format('differential_AP_distortion') ) else: _cosmo_specs.update({ 'differential_AP_distortion': diff_AP }) return _cosmo_specs raise TypeError("Invalid `cosmo_specs` passed.") def _get_grouped_couplings(self, coupling_type, mu): return self._grouped_couplings[coupling_type][mu[0], mu[-1]] def _get_angular_sums(self, mu, nu): try: return self._angular_sums[(mu[0], mu[1]), (nu[0], nu[1])] except (KeyError, TypeError): try: # use Hermitian conjugate if unavailable return self._angular_sums[(nu[0], nu[1]), (mu[0], mu[1])] except TypeError: # non-existent, reduce to Kronecker delta return float(mu[0] == nu[0] and mu[1] == nu[1]) def _get_shot_noise_level(self, mu, nu): try: return self._shot_noise_levels[mu, nu] except TypeError: # if initialised with ``ini_shot_noise=False`` self._shot_noise_levels = self._compile_shot_noise_levels() return self._shot_noise_levels[mu, nu] except KeyError: # use Hermitian conjugate if unavailable return self._shot_noise_levels[nu, mu] def _compile_angular_sums(self): # Compiles all index pairs of the form (\ell_\mu, m_\mu, \ell_\nu, # m_\nu) where \nu is a higher index than \mu (the other cases are # obtained by Hermitian conjuate). index_pair_vector = list( (first_index, second_index) for first_index in self._gen_operable_indices( self._disc, subtype='angular' ) for second_index in self._gen_operable_indices( self._disc, subtype='angular', above_from=first_index ) ) if self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0:"Compiling fixed angular sums...") # Compile, for each index pair of the form above, all its angular sums # indexed by a new degree index (say, `ell_sigma`) of the form: # \sum_{m_\ell} M_{\ell_\mu, m_\mu, \ell_\sigma, m_\sigma) # * M_{\ell_\nu, m_\nu, \ell_\sigma, m_\sigma)^*. angular_sums_by_index_pair = mpi_compute( index_pair_vector, self._compile_angular_sums_by_index_pair, comm=self.comm, process_name="angular sum compilation" ) # Store compiled results in a directory, where each key is an index # pair of the form above, and each entry is a dictionary of angular # sums indexed by the new degree index (i.e. `ell_sigma`). angular_sums = {} for index_pair, angular_sums_for_index_pair \ in zip(index_pair_vector, angular_sums_by_index_pair): angular_sums.update({ tuple(index_pair): angular_sums_for_index_pair }) if self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0:"... compiled fixed angular sums.") return angular_sums def _compile_shot_noise_levels(self): # Compiles all index pairs (`mu`, `nu`) where `nu` is a higher index # than `mu` (the other cases are obtained by Hermitian conjuate). index_pair_vector = list( (first_index, second_index) for first_index in self._gen_operable_indices(self._disc) for second_index in \ self._gen_operable_indices(self._disc, above_from=first_index) ) if self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0:"Compiling shot noise levels...") # Compile, for each index pair of the form above, the shot noise level # of the form: M_{\mu, \nu} * shot noise integral[selection, weight]. shot_noise_levels_by_index_pair = mpi_compute( index_pair_vector, self._compile_shot_noise_levels_by_index_pair, comm=self.comm, process_name="shot noise level compilation" ) # Store compiled results in a directory, where each key is an index # pair of the form above, and each entry is a complex shot noise # integral value including the mask. shot_noise_levels = {} with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as any_warnings: for index_pair, shot_noise_levels_for_index_pair \ in zip(index_pair_vector, shot_noise_levels_by_index_pair): shot_noise_levels.update({ tuple(index_pair): shot_noise_levels_for_index_pair }) if any_warnings: restore_warnings(any_warnings) warnings.warn( "Poor shot noise integration convergence.", IntegrationWarning ) if self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0:"... compiled shot noise levels.") return shot_noise_levels def _compile_angular_sums_by_index_pair(self, index_pair): mu, nu = index_pair # For each degree index (say `ell_sigma`), return \sum_{m_\sigma} # M_{\mu, \sigma} * M_{\nu, \sigma}^*. angular_sums_for_index_pair_by_degree = { ell_sigma: sum([ self.couplings['angular', mu, (ell_sigma, m_sigma)] * np.conj(self.couplings['angular', nu, (ell_sigma, m_sigma)]) for m_sigma in range(- ell_sigma, ell_sigma + 1) ]) for ell_sigma in self._dummy_disc.degrees } return angular_sums_for_index_pair_by_degree def _compile_shot_noise_levels_by_index_pair(self, index_pair): mu, nu = index_pair M_mu_nu = self.couplings['angular', mu, nu] k_mu = self._disc.wavenumbers[mu[0], mu[-1]] k_nu = self._disc.wavenumbers[nu[0], nu[-1]] # Return the radial integral over selection(r) * weight(r)^2 * # j_{\ell_mu}(k_\mu r) * j_{\ell_\nu}(k_\nu r). with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as any_warning: shot_noise_integral = radial_integral( lambda r: shot_noise_kernel( r, mu, nu, k_mu, k_nu, selection=getattr(self._survey_specs, 'selection', None), weight=getattr(self._survey_specs, 'weight', None) ), self._disc.attrs['boundary_radius'] ) if any_warning and not np.isclose(shot_noise_integral, 0.): warnings.warn( "Poorly determined shot noise coefficient " "for index pair {} and {}.".format(mu, nu), category=SphericalCoefficientWarning ) return M_mu_nu * shot_noise_integral @staticmethod def _gen_operable_indices(disc, subtype=None, above_from=None): if subtype == 'angular': operable_indices = [ (ell, m) for ell in disc.degrees for m in range(- ell, ell + 1) ] elif subtype == 'radial': operable_indices = [ (ell, n) for ell, nmax in zip(disc.degrees, disc.depths) for n in range(1, nmax + 1) ] else: operable_indices = [ (ell, m, n) for ell, nmax in zip(disc.degrees, disc.depths) for m in range(- ell, ell + 1) for n in range(1, nmax + 1) ] if above_from is not None: operable_indices = [ index for index in operable_indices if index >= above_from ] return operable_indices