Source code for harmonia.mapper.map_transform

Map transform (:mod:`~harmonia.mapper.map_transform`)

Transform discrete catalogues to Fourier-space map data.

.. autosummary::



import logging

import numpy as np
from nbodykit.lab import ConvolvedFFTPower

from harmonia.algorithms.discretisation import DiscreteSpectrum
from harmonia.algorithms.arrays import CartesianArray, SphericalArray
from harmonia.algorithms.bases import spherical_besselj, spherical_harmonic
from harmonia.surveyor.coordinates import cartesian_to_spherical as c2s
from harmonia.utils import Progress

[docs]class SphericalMap: r"""Discretised spherical Fourier map from catalogue sources. Parameters ---------- catalogues : :class:`~.catalogue_maker.SphericalFKPCatalogue` FKP-style paired catalogues in a spherical domain. disc : :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.discretisation.DiscreteSpectrum` Discrete spectrum for the map. initialise : bool, optional If `True` (default), map transform is performed upon creation. Attributes ---------- catalogues : :class:`~.catalogue_maker.SphericalFKPCatalogue` FKP-style paired catalogues associated with the map. disc : :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.discretisation.DiscreteSpectrum` Discrete spectrum associated with the map. attrs : dict Attributes inherited upon creation. """ def __init__(self, catalogues, disc, initialise=True): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.catalogues = catalogues self.disc = disc self.attrs = {} self.attrs.update(self.catalogues.attrs) self.attrs.update(self.disc.attrs) # Coefficient directories which internally store the # transformed results. self._data_coeff = {} self._rand_coeff = {} self._density_contrast = None self._mode_power = None if initialise: self._density_contrast = self._transform() def __str__(self): str_info = "{}, source={}, contrast={}".format( self.disc, self.attrs['source'], self.attrs['contrast'] ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str_info})" def __getstate__(self): state = { 'attrs': self.attrs, 'disc': self.disc.__getstate__(), 'data_coeff': self._data_coeff, 'rand_coeff': self._rand_coeff, 'density_contrast': self.density_contrast.__getstate__(), 'mode_power': self.mode_power, } return state def __setstate__(self, state): for attr, val in state.items(): if attr == 'disc': self.disc = DiscreteSpectrum._from_state(state['disc']) elif attr == 'density_contrast': self.density_contrast = \ SphericalArray._from_state(state['density_contrast']) elif attr.endswith('_coeff'): setattr(self, '_' + attr, val) else: setattr(self, attr, val) @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state): self = object.__new__(cls) self.__setstate__(state) # pylint: disable=protected-access if not hasattr(self, '_mode_power'): self._mode_power = None if not hasattr(self, '_data_coeff'): self._data_coeff = {} if not hasattr(self, '_rand_coeff'): self._rand_coeff = {} return self @property def density_contrast(self): """Spherical Fourier coefficients for the density contrast between data and random catalogues. Notes ----- When the spherical map is initialsed upon creation or this is directly or indirectly accessed without initialising the spherical map upon creation, discrete spherical Fourier transform is performed by direct summation over all selected objects in the paired catalogues. Calling this method stores the transformed number densities of data and random catalogues internally for further processing, e.g. for :meth:`mode_power`. Computational redundancy is reduced by employing parity relations between spherical harmonics of the same degree but opposite orders. Returns ------- :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.arrays.SphericalArray` Density contrast coefficients of the spherical map. """ if self._density_contrast is not None: return self._density_contrast self._density_contrast = self._transform() return self._density_contrast @density_contrast.setter def density_contrast(self, value): if isinstance(value, SphericalArray): self._density_contrast = value else: raise TypeError( "Only SphericalArray objects can be set as `density_contrast`." ) @property def mode_power(self): """Spherical Fourier mode power suitably normalised. In the simplest case of a full-sky statistically isotropic map without any mode coupling, this is equivalent to the Cartesian power spectrum at the same wavenumbers. Returns ------- dict Spherical mode power at discrete mode wavenumbers with mode counts and indices. """ if self._mode_power is not None: return self._mode_power # Sort all variables by wavenumber. sort_order = np.argsort( list(self.disc.wavenumbers.values()) ) wavenumbers = np.array( list(self.disc.wavenumbers.values()) )[sort_order] normalisations = np.array( list(self.disc.normalisations.values()) )[sort_order] mode_indices = [ list(self.disc.wavenumbers.keys())[order_index] for order_index in sort_order ] mode_counts = np.zeros_like(wavenumbers) mode_powers = np.zeros_like(wavenumbers) # Filter the spherical structure array by wavenumber and flatten. for idx, k in enumerate(wavenumbers): selector = (self.density_contrast.array['wavenumber'] == k) subarray = self.density_contrast.array['coefficient'][selector] mode_counts[idx] = np.sum(selector) mode_powers[idx] = \ normalisations[idx] * np.mean(np.abs(subarray) ** 2) return { 'wavenumbers': wavenumbers, 'mode_indices': mode_indices, 'mode_counts': mode_counts, 'mode_powers': mode_powers, } def _transform(self): density_contrast = SphericalArray(self.disc) if not self._data_coeff or not self._rand_coeff: # if either is empty progress = Progress( density_contrast.size, process_name="spherical transform", logger=self.logger )"Transforming %s...", self) # Transform degree by degree and update the coefficient directory. for deg_idx, deg in enumerate(self.disc.degrees): self._transform_degree(deg)[:(deg_idx + 1)]) - 1)"... %s transformed.", self)"Computing density contrast for %s...", self) # Subtract random catalogue coefficients and normalise by data # catalogue mean number density to obtain density contrast. for mode_pos, mode_index in enumerate(density_contrast.array['index']): density_contrast[mode_pos] = ( self._data_coeff[tuple(mode_index)] - self._rand_coeff[tuple(mode_index)] ) / self.catalogues.data_catalogue.attrs['nbar']"... computed density contrast for %s.", self) return density_contrast def _transform_degree(self, ell): nmax = self.disc.depths[self.disc.degrees.index(ell)] loc_data = c2s(self.catalogues.data_catalogue['Location']) loc_rand = c2s(self.catalogues.random_catalogue['Location']) vet_data = self.catalogues.data_catalogue['Selection'] vet_rand = self.catalogues.random_catalogue['Selection'] sel_data = self.catalogues.data_catalogue['NZ'] \ / self.catalogues.data_catalogue.attrs['nbar'] sel_rand = self.catalogues.random_catalogue['NZ'] \ / self.catalogues.data_catalogue.attrs['nbar'] wgt_data = self.catalogues.data_catalogue['Weight'] wgt_rand = self.catalogues.random_catalogue['Weight'] coeff_data, coeff_rand = {}, {} # Unpack spherical coordinates. r_data, t_data, p_data = loc_data.swapaxes(0, 1)[:] r_rand, t_rand, p_rand = loc_rand.swapaxes(0, 1)[:] for m in range(- ell, 1): for n in range(1, nmax + 1): k = self.disc.wavenumbers[(ell, n)] coeff_data[(ell, m, n)] = complex( np.sum( vet_data[:] * sel_data[:] * wgt_data[:] * spherical_besselj(ell, k * r_data) * spherical_harmonic(ell, m, t_data, p_data, conj=True) ) ) coeff_rand[(ell, m, n)] = complex( np.sum( vet_rand[:] * sel_rand[:] * wgt_rand[:] * spherical_besselj(ell, k * r_rand) * spherical_harmonic(ell, m, t_rand, p_rand, conj=True) ) / self.catalogues.attrs['contrast'] ) # Employ parity relations for positive spherical orders. for m in range(1, ell + 1): for n in range(1, nmax + 1): coeff_data[(ell, m, n)] = (-1) ** m * np.conj( coeff_data[(ell, - m, n)] ) coeff_rand[(ell, m, n)] = (-1) ** m * np.conj( coeff_rand[(ell, - m, n)] ) self._data_coeff.update(coeff_data) self._rand_coeff.update(coeff_rand)
[docs]class CartesianMap: """Compressed Cartesian Fourier-space map from catalogue sources. Parameters ---------- catalogues : :class:`~.SphericalFKPCatalogue` or :class:`FKPCatalog` FKP-style paired catalogues in a spherical domain. orders : sequence of int Orders of the power spectrum multipoles. kmin : float, optional Minimum wavenumber of the compressed map (in :math:`h`/Mpc) (default is `None`). kmax : float or None, optional Maximum wavenumber of the compressed map (in :math:`h`/Mpc) (default is `None`). dk : float or None, optional Wavenumber bin width (in :math:`h`/Mpc) (default is `None`). num_mesh : int, optional Mesh number per dimension for interpolating the discrete catalogues on a grid. resampler : {'cic', 'tsc', 'pcs'}, optional Grid assignment scheme (default is 'tsc') for catalogue interpolation. interlaced : bool, optional If `True` (default), use interlacing for aliasing mitigation. Attributes ---------- catalogues : :class:`~.catalogue_maker.SphericalFKPCatalogue` FKP-style paired catalogues associated with the map. mesh : :class:`nbodykit.base.mesh.MeshSource` FFT mesh of the interpolated catalogues. power_multipoles : :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.arrays.CartesianArray` Power spectrum multipoles of different Legendre orders for wavenumber bins. """ def __init__(self, catalogues, orders, kmin=None, kmax=None, dk=None, num_mesh=256, resampler='tsc', interlaced=True): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.catalogues = catalogues self.attrs = {arg: val for arg, val in locals().items() if arg != 'dk'} self.attrs.update(catalogues.attrs) mesh_kwargs = dict( Nmesh=num_mesh, resampler=resampler, interlaced=interlaced, compensated=True ) try: # deal with `SphericalFKPCatalogue` self.mesh = catalogues.catalogue_pair.to_mesh(**mesh_kwargs) except AttributeError: # deal with `nbodykit`'s `FKPCatalog` self.mesh = catalogues.to_mesh(**mesh_kwargs) self.logger.debug("Mesh painted on a grid for %s.", catalogues) kmin = kmin or 1.e-4 self.power_multipoles = self._compress(orders, kmin, kmax, dk) def __str__(self): str_info = "source={}, orders={}, scales=[{},{}], contrast={}".format( self.attrs['source'], self.attrs['orders'], self.attrs['kmin'], self.attrs['kmax'], self.attrs['contrast'] ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str_info})" def __getstate__(self): state = { 'attrs': self.attrs, 'power_multipoles': self.power_multipoles, } return state def __setstate__(self, state): for attr, val in state.items(): setattr(self, attr, val) @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state): # internal classmethod self = object.__new__(cls) self.__setstate__(state) return self def _compress(self, orders, kmin, kmax, dk): results = ConvolvedFFTPower( self.mesh, poles=orders, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, dk=dk ).poles # Remove spurious leading bins from `nbodykit`. valid_bins = ~np.equal(results['modes'], 0) \ & ~np.equal(results['modes'], 1) wavenumbers = results['k'][valid_bins] mode_counts = results['modes'][valid_bins] shot_noise = results.attrs['shotnoise'] multipoles = CartesianArray( orders, wavenumbers, mode_counts=mode_counts, shot_noise=shot_noise ) "Compressed catalogues into power spectrum multipoles." ) # Fill in Cartesian structure array. multipoles[:] = np.concatenate( [results[f'power_{order}'][valid_bins].real for order in orders] ) return multipoles