Source code for harmonia.cosmology.geometry

Background geometry (:mod:`~harmonia.cosmology.geometry`)

Compute geometrical quantities in a cosmological background.

.. autosummary::



import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as Spline

[docs]def redshift_from_distance(cosmo, lg_num_sample=5): """Invert redshift-to-distance relationship of a cosmological model to redshift-from-distance. Notes ----- This is useful when the Alcock--Paczynski effect needs to be included in modelling. Only valid for redshift between 1.e-3 and 100. Parameters ---------- cosmo : :class:`nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` Cosmological model. lg_num_sample : float, optional Base-10 logarithm of the number of redshift points to sample the comoving distance as a function of redshift (default is 5, i.e. 100000 samle points). Returns ------- callable Redshift-from-distance function. """ Z_LOG_RANGE = (-3, 2) z_samples = np.logspace(*Z_LOG_RANGE, num=10**lg_num_sample) r_samples = cosmo.comoving_distance(z_samples) return Spline(r_samples, z_samples, ext='raise')
# pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
[docs]def differential_AP_distortion(fiducial_z_to_r, variable_z_to_r, max_redshift=10., lg_num_sample=5): """Compute the differential Alcock--Paczynski distortion between a fiducial and a cosmological redshift-to-distance conversion as a fuction of redshift. Parameters ---------- fiducial_z_to_r : callable Fiducial redshift-to-distance conversion. variable_z_to_r : callable Variable redshift-to-distance conversion. max_redshift : float, optional Maximum redshift to sample for interpolation (default is 10). lg_num_sample : float, optional Base-10 logarithm of the number of redshift points to sample the differential distortion as a function of redshift (default is 5, i.e. 100000 samle points). Returns ------- callable Differential distortion as a fuction of redshift. """ z_samples = np.linspace(0., max_redshift, 10 ** lg_num_sample) r_tilde = fiducial_z_to_r(z_samples) r = variable_z_to_r(z_samples) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): dr_tilde_over_dr = np.gradient(r_tilde) / np.gradient(r) # Filter out where possibly the gradient of r(z) is close to zero. valid_samples = np.isfinite(dr_tilde_over_dr) z_samples = z_samples[valid_samples] dr_tilde_over_dr = dr_tilde_over_dr[valid_samples] return Spline(z_samples, dr_tilde_over_dr, check_finite=False)