Source code for harmonia.cosmology

Cosmological modelling (:mod:`~harmonia.cosmology`)

Provide general and fiducial cosmological models and compute derived model

Cosmological models are implemented by `nbodykit` (see `documentation

.. autosummary::



import logging
from pprint import pformat

from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology

from .geometry import differential_AP_distortion, redshift_from_distance
from .scale_dependence import (

[docs]class BaseModel(Cosmology): """Fixed (fiducial) cosmological model built with a parameter dictionary read from an external file, e.g. with file contents .. code-block:: { 'h': 0.70, 'Omega0_b': 0.044, 'Omega0_cdm': 0.226, 'sigma8': 0.8, } Parameters ---------- source_file : *str or* :class:`pathlib.Path` Cosmological parameter file (as a Python dictionary). comm : :class:`mpi4py.Comm` *or None*, optional MPI communicator (default is `None`). """ def __init__(self, source_file, comm=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.comm = comm with open(source_file) as cosmo_source: source_params = { k: round(v, ndigits=8) for k, v in eval( } cosmo_params = { param_name: param_value for param_name, param_value in source_params.items() if param_name != 'sigma8' } super().__init__(**cosmo_params) self.match(sigma8=source_params['sigma8']) if self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0: "Created cosmological model with parameters:\n%s.", pformat(source_params) )