Source code for harmonia.algorithms.discretisation

Spectrum discretisation (:mod:`~harmonia.algorithms.discretisation`)

Discretise the Fourier spectrum under boundary conditions.

.. autosummary::



import logging

import numpy as np

from .bases import spherical_besselj, spherical_besselj_root

[docs]class DiscreteSpectrum: r"""Discrete Fourier spectrum under radial boundary conditions. The spectral modes are indexed by tuple :math:`(\ell, n)`, where :math:`\ell` is the spherical degree associated with the spherical harmonic and Bessel functions, and :math:`n` is the spherical depth associated with roots of the spherical Bessel function. The discrete wavenumbers are .. math:: k_{\ell n} = \frac{u_{\ell n}}{R} \,, \quad \text{where} \quad \{ u_{\ell n}: n = 1, \dots, n_{\textrm{max},\ell} \}_{\ell} are zeros of the spherical Bessel functions of order :math:`\ell` if the boundary condition is Dirichlet, or zeros of their derivatives if the boundary condition is Neumann. The maximum spherical depth :math:`n_{\textrm{max},\ell}` corresponds to the largest wavenumber allowed in the cutoff range. The normalisation coefficients derived from completeness relations are .. math:: \kappa_{\ell n} = \begin{cases} (2/R^3) j_{\ell+1}^{-2}(u_{\ell n}) \,, \quad \text{for Dirichlet boundary conditions;} \\ (2/R^3) j_{\ell}^{-2}(u_{\ell n}) \left[ 1 - \ell (\ell + 1) / u_{\ell n}^2 \right]^{-1} \,, \quad \text{for Neumann boundary conditions.} \end{cases} Parameters ---------- radius : float Boundary radius. condition : {'dirichlet', 'neumann'} Either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary condition. highcut : float Upper cutoff wavenumber of the spectrum. maxdeg : int or None, optional Maximum spherical degree (default is `None`). lowcut : float, optional Lower cutoff wavenumber of the spectrum (default is 0.). mindeg : int, optional Minimum spherical degree (default is 0). comm : :class:`mpi4py.MPI.Comm` MPI communicator. Attributes ---------- degrees : list of int Spherical degrees associated with the discrete spectrum. depths : list of int Spherical depths associated with each spherical degree. mode_counts : list of int Total number of spectral modes associated with each spherical degree counting spherical order multiplicities. roots : dict Spherical Bessel roots associated with the discrete spectrum as a dictionary accessed by integer spherical degrees. attrs : dict Discrete spectrum attributes including the following keys: 'min_wavenumber' and 'max_wavenumber' for minimum and maximum wavenumbers, 'boundary_radius' and 'bounded_volume' for the boundary radius and bounded volume, and 'boundary_condition' for the imposed boundary condition. """ def __init__(self, radius, condition, highcut, maxdeg=None, lowcut=0., mindeg=0, comm=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.comm = comm condition = self._alias(condition) self.attrs = { 'min_wavenumber': lowcut, 'max_wavenumber': highcut, 'boundary_radius': radius, 'bounded_volume': 4./3. * np.pi * radius ** 3, 'boundary_condition': condition, } self._discretise(radius, condition, lowcut, highcut, mindeg, maxdeg) self._wavenumbers = None self._normalisations = None def __str__(self): str_info = "{}, boundary={}, {}<=wavenumber<={}".format( self.attrs['boundary_condition'], self.attrs['boundary_radius'], np.around(self.attrs['min_wavenumber'], decimals=4), np.around(self.attrs['max_wavenumber'], decimals=4), ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str_info})" def __getstate__(self): state = { attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in [ 'attrs', 'degrees', 'depths', 'mode_counts', 'roots', 'wavenumbers', 'normalisations' ] } return state def __setstate__(self, state): for attr, value in state.items(): if attr in ['wavenumbers', 'normalisations']: setattr(self, '_' + attr, value) else: setattr(self, attr, value) @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state, comm=None): # internal classmethod self = object.__new__(cls) self.__setstate__(state) self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.comm = comm return self @property def wavenumbers(self): r"""Discrete mode wavenumbers :math:`k_{\ell n}`. Returns ------- dict Mode wavenumbers as a dictionary accessed by doublet tuples :math:`(\ell, n)`. """ if self._wavenumbers is not None: return self._wavenumbers self._wavenumbers = { (ell, n_idx + 1) : u / self.attrs['boundary_radius'] for ell in self.degrees for n_idx, u in enumerate(self.roots[ell]) } if self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0: self.logger.debug("Spectral mode wavenumbers computed.") return self._wavenumbers @property def normalisations(self): r"""Normalisation coefficients :math:`\kappa_{\ell n}`. Returns ------- dict Normalisation coefficients as a dictionary accessed by doublet tuples :math:`(\ell, n)`. """ if self._normalisations is not None: return self._normalisations # pylint: disable=bad-continuation if self.attrs['boundary_condition'] == 'dirichlet': self._normalisations = { (ell, n_idx + 1): 2. / self.attrs['boundary_radius'] ** 3 / spherical_besselj(ell + 1, u) ** 2 for ell in self.degrees for n_idx, u in enumerate(self.roots[ell]) } if self.attrs['boundary_condition'] == 'neumann': self._normalisations = { (ell, n_idx + 1): 2. / self.attrs['boundary_radius'] ** 3 / spherical_besselj(ell, u) ** 2 / (1 - ell * (ell + 1) / u**2) for ell in self.degrees for n_idx, u in enumerate(self.roots[ell]) } if self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0: self.logger.debug("Spectral normalisations computed.") return self._normalisations def _discretise(self, radius, condition, kmin, kmax, ellmin, ellmax): # Avoid duplicate logging entries. log = self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0 # Initiate containers. self.degrees, self.depths, self.mode_counts = [], [], [] self.roots = {} current_ell = ellmin while True: # Stop if maximum degree specified is reached. if ellmax is not None and current_ell > ellmax: if log: self.logger.debug("Specfied maximum degree reached.") break # Initiate the container and counter for the roots and depth of # the current degree. u_ell, n_ell = [], 0 # Iterate through spherical Bessel roots. current_root = spherical_besselj_root( current_ell, n_ell + 1, derivative=(condition == 'neumann') ) while kmin * radius <= current_root <= kmax * radius: u_ell.append(current_root) n_ell += 1 current_root = spherical_besselj_root( current_ell, n_ell + 1, derivative=(condition == 'neumann') ) # If iteration did not proceed, end the entire process. if n_ell == 0: if log: self.logger.debug( "The last degree is %d.", current_ell - 1 ) break self.degrees.append(current_ell) self.depths.append(n_ell) self.mode_counts.append((2 * current_ell + 1) * n_ell) self.roots[current_ell] = np.asarray(u_ell) if log: self.logger.debug("Degree %d included.", current_ell) current_ell += 1 if log: "%s computed: %d degrees and %d modes in total.", self, len(self.degrees), sum(self.mode_counts) ) @staticmethod def _alias(condition): if condition.lower().startswith('d'): return 'dirichlet' if condition.lower().startswith('n'): return 'neumann' raise ValueError(f"Unknown boundary `condition`: {condition}.")