Source code for harmonia.algorithms.arrays

Structured arrays (:mod:`~harmonia.algorithms.arrays`)

Provide structured arrays for cosmological data.

.. autosummary::



from import Sequence
from itertools import product

import numpy as np

from .discretisation import DiscreteSpectrum

    import cPickle as pickle
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    import pickle

[docs]class IndexingError(IndexError): """Exception raised for unsupported slicing or indexing in `__getitem__` methods. """
[docs]class DataArray: """Abstract data array with save and load methods. """ def __getstate__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __setstate__(self, state): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def save(self, output_file, file_extension): """Save the structured array. Parameters ---------- output_file : *str or* :class:`pathlib.Path` Output file path. extension : {'.pkl', '.npz'} Output file extension. """ if file_extension == '.pkl': with open(output_file, 'wb') as output_data: pickle.dump(self, output_data, protocol=-1) elif file_extension == '.npz': np.savez(output_file, **self.__getstate__()) else: raise IOError( "Unwritable output file. " "The file extension must be either .npz or .pkl." )
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, input_file): """Load the structured array from a .npz or .pkl file. Parameters ---------- input_file : *str or* :class:`pathlib.Path` Input file path. """ try: extension = input_file.suffix except AttributeError: extension = input_file.rpartition(".")[-1] if extension.endswith('npz'): state_data = np.load(input_file, allow_pickle=True) state = {} for attr in state_data.files: try: state.update({attr: state_data[attr].item()}) except ValueError: state.update({attr: state_data[attr]}) self = object.__new__(cls) self.__setstate__(state) elif extension.endswith('pkl'): with open(input_file, 'rb') as input_data: self = pickle.load(input_data) else: raise IOError( "Unreadable input file. " "The file extension must be either .npz or .pkl." ) return self
[docs]class SphericalArray(DataArray): r"""Structured array for spherically decomposed cosmological data. Array is initialised with a discrete spectrum of Fourier modes and consists of three fields: the 'index' field of :math:`(\ell, m_\ell, n_\ell)` triplets, the 'wavenumber' field of discrete :math:`k_{\ell n}`, and the 'coefficient' field of spherically decomposed data. Parameters ---------- disc : :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.discretisation.DiscreteSpectrum` Discrete spectrum associated with the structured array. Attributes ---------- array : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Structured NumPy array. size : int Total number of elements in the array. This should equal the sum of ``disc.mode_counts``. attrs : dict Attributes of the structured array inherited from `disc`. See Also -------- :class:`~harmonia.algorithms.discretisation.DiscreteSpectrum` """ # Class-wide ``numpy.dtype`` for the structured array and any # collapsed array. _dtype = np.dtype({ 'names': ['index', 'wavenumber', 'coefficient', '_position'], 'formats': ['(3,)i4', 'f8', 'c16', 'i8'], }) _dtype_collapsed = np.dtype({ 'names': ['index', 'wavenumber', 'coefficient', '_position'], 'formats': ['(2,)i4', 'f8', 'c16', 'i8'], }) def __init__(self, disc): self.disc = disc self.size = sum(disc.mode_counts) self.attrs = { attr: getattr(disc, attr) for attr in ['degrees', 'depths', 'wavenumbers', 'mode_counts'] } self.array, self._directory = self._initialise_array() def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self.disc)})"
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Get the 'coefficient' field value(s). The access key can be an integer, a slice expression, a tuple of index triplet or a string, e.g. ``[-1]``, ``[:]``, ``[(0, 0, 1)]`` or ``'degree_0'``. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, tuple(int, int, int) or str 'coefficient' field access key. Returns ------- complex 'coefficient' field data entry. """ position = self._find_position(key) return self.array['coefficient'][position]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set the 'coefficient' field value(s). Parameters ---------- key : int, tuple of int or slice 'coefficient' field access key. value : complex 'coefficient' field data entry. See Also -------- :meth:`.SphericalArray.__getitem__` """ position = self._find_position(key) self.array['coefficient'][position] = value
def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__ state.update({'disc': self.disc.__getstate__()}) return state def __setstate__(self, state): for attr, value in state.items(): if attr == 'disc': self.disc = DiscreteSpectrum._from_state(value) else: setattr(self, attr, value) # NOTE: For backward compatibility; may be removed in the future. if '_position' not in self.array.dtype.names: self.array = np.lib.recfunctions.append_fields( self.array, '_position', list(range(self.size)) ) @classmethod def _from_state(cls, state): # internal classmethod self = object.__new__(cls) self.__setstate__(state) return self
[docs] def vectorise(self, pivot, collapse=None): r"""Returrn a data vector from the 'coefficient' field. Vectorisation is performed by *pivoting* in either of the following orders of precedence--- * 'natural': ordered by :math:`(\ell, m, n)`; * 'spectral': ordered by :math:`(k_{\ell n}, m)`. Subarrays of equivalent :math:`(\ell, n)` may be further collapsed over spherical order :math:`m` by simple averaging or averaging in quadrature. Parameters ---------- pivot : {'natural', 'spectral'} Pivot order for vectorisation. collapse : {None, 'mean', 'qaudrature'}, optional If not `None` (default), subarrays are collapsed over equivalent spherical order :math:`m` by averaging ('mean') or averaging in quadrature ('qaudrature'). Returns ------- vectorised_data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Vectorised coefficient data. """ if collapse is None: array = self.array else: # Initialise the collapsed array. doublet_list = self._gen_index_list( self.disc.degrees, self.disc.depths, reduction=True ) array = np.empty(len(doublet_list), dtype=self._dtype_collapsed) array['index'] = doublet_list for pos, ind in enumerate(array['index']): # Extract subarray matching the degree and depth of the # index doublet being considered. selector = np.all( self.array['index'][:, [0, 2]] == ind, axis=-1 ) subarray = self.array['coefficient'][selector] # Collapse the extracted subarray. if collapse.lower() == 'mean': collapsed_subarray = np.mean(subarray) elif collapse.lower() == 'qaudrature': collapsed_subarray = np.mean(np.abs(subarray) ** 2) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown `collapse` option: {collapse}.") array['coefficient'][pos] = collapsed_subarray array['wavenumber'][pos] = self.disc.wavenumbers[tuple(ind)] # Sort array by the pivot order. It is unsafe to sort by the # 'index' field which is multi-dimensional. The private field # '_position' was initialised for this purpose. if pivot == 'natural': sort_order = ['_position', 'wavenumber'] elif pivot == 'spectral': sort_order = ['wavenumber', '_position'] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown `pivot` option: {pivot}.") vectorised_data = np.sort(array, order=sort_order)['coefficient'] return vectorised_data
def _initialise_array(self): # Initialise the structured array in the natural order. array = np.empty(self.size, dtype=self._dtype) # Generate the list of index triplets and the dictionary of index # directory. triplet_list = self._gen_index_list( self.disc.degrees, self.disc.depths ) triplet_directory = self._gen_index_directory(triplet_list) # Initialise index triplets and corresponding wavenumbers. array['index'] = triplet_list array['wavenumber'] = [ self.disc.wavenumbers[ell, n] for ell, _, n in triplet_list ] array['_position'] = list(range(self.size)) return array, triplet_directory def _find_position(self, key): # If accessed by integer, reinterprete negative values as reverse # indexing. if isinstance(key, int): position = key if key >= 0 else key % self.size if position > self.size: raise IndexingError( f"Index {position} out of bound for key: {key}." ) return position # Access by slice. if isinstance(key, slice): return key # If accessed by a sequence of (degree, order, depth); any list # is turned into a tuple. if isinstance(key, Sequence) and not isinstance(key, str): position = self._directory[tuple(key)] return position # Access by string of the form 'degree_<ell>'. if isinstance(key, str): degree = int(key.split('_')[-1]) degree_idx = self.disc.degrees.index(degree) start = sum(self.disc.mode_counts[:degree_idx]) stop = sum(self.disc.mode_counts[:(degree_idx + 1)]) position = slice(start, stop) return position raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for key: {key}.") @staticmethod def _gen_index_list(degrees, depths, reduction=False): if reduction: index_list = [ (ell, n + 1) for ell, nmax in zip(degrees, depths) for n in range(nmax) ] else: index_list = [ (ell, m, n + 1) for ell, nmax in zip(degrees, depths) for m in range(- ell, ell+1) for n in range(nmax) ] return index_list @staticmethod def _gen_index_directory(index_list): # The directory is a mapping from an index tuple to an array position. index_directory = { tuple(tup): pos for pos, tup in enumerate(index_list) } return index_directory
[docs]class CartesianArray(DataArray): r"""Structured array for Cartesian decomposition of cosmological data. Array is initialised with three fields: the 'order' field of the Legendre multipoles, the 'wavenumber' field of :math:`k`-bin centres and the 'power' field for power spectrum multipole measurements. Parameters ---------- orders : list of tuple of int Orders of the power spectrum multipole. wavenumbers : float, array_like Wavenumbers of the multipole data. mode_counts : list of int or None, optional Mode counts in wavenumber bins (default is `None`). shot_noise : float or None, optional Shot noise level (default is `None`). Attributes ---------- array : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Structured NumPy array. size : int Total number of elements in the array. This should equal the product of the numbers of wavenumbers and multipoles. attrs : dict Initialisation parameters as attributes. """ # Class-wide ``numpy.dtype`` for the structured array. _dtype = np.dtype({ 'names': ['order', 'wavenumber', 'power'], 'formats': ['i4', 'f8', 'f8'], }) def __init__(self, orders, wavenumbers, mode_counts=None, shot_noise=None): self.size = np.size(orders) * np.size(wavenumbers) orders = np.sort(orders).tolist() wavenumbers = np.array(wavenumbers)[np.argsort(wavenumbers)] if mode_counts is not None: mode_counts = np.array(mode_counts)[np.argsort(wavenumbers)] self.attrs = dict( orders=orders, wavenumbers=wavenumbers, mode_counts=mode_counts, shot_noise=shot_noise, ) self.array, self._directory = self._initialise_array()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Access the 'power' field. The access key can be an integer positional index, a slice, a tuple of (order, wavenumber) or a string, e.g. ``[-1]``, ``[:]``, ``[(0, 0.04)]`` or ``'power_0'``. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, tuple(int, float) or str 'power' field access key. Returns ------- float 'power' field data entry. """ position = self._find_position(key) return self.array['power'][position]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set the 'power' field value(s). Parameters ---------- key : int, tuple(int, float) or slice 'power' field access key. value : float 'power' field data entry. See Also -------- :meth:`.CartesianArray.__getitem__` """ position = self._find_position(key) self.array['power'][position] = value
def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): for attr, value in state.items(): setattr(self, attr, value)
[docs] def vectorise(self, pivot): r"""Return a data vector from the 'power' field. Vectorisation is performed by *pivoting* in either of the following orders of precedence--- * 'order': ordered by multipole order :math:`\ell`; * 'wavenumber': ordered by wavenumber :math:`k`. Parameters ---------- pivot : {'order', 'wavenumber'} Pivot order for vectorisation. Returns ------- vectorised_data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Vectorised power spectrum data. """ if pivot == 'order': sort_order = ['order', 'wavenumber'] elif pivot == 'wavenumber': sort_order = ['wavenumber', 'order'] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown `pivot` option: {pivot}.") return np.sort(self.array, order=sort_order)['power']
def _initialise_array(self): # Initialise the structured array ordered by order. array = np.empty(self.size, dtype=self._dtype) array['order'] = np.repeat( self.attrs['orders'], len(self.attrs['wavenumbers'])) array['wavenumber'] = np.tile( self.attrs['wavenumbers'], len(self.attrs['orders']) ) # Generate the dictionary mapping (order, wavenumber) tuples to # array positions. directory = self._gen_directory( self.attrs['orders'], self.attrs['wavenumbers'] ) return array, directory def _find_position(self, key): # If accessed by integer, reinterprete negative values as reverse # indexing. if isinstance(key, int): position = key if key >= 0 else key % self.size if position > self.size: raise IndexingError( f"Index {position} out of bound for key: {key}." ) return position # Access by slice. if isinstance(key, slice): return key # Access by sequence of (order, wavenumber). if isinstance(key, Sequence) and not isinstance(key, str): position = self._directory[tuple(key)] return position # Access by string of the form 'power_<ell>'. if isinstance(key, str): order = int(key.split('_')[-1]) order_idx = self.attrs['orders'].index(order) length = len(self.attrs['wavenumbers']) position = slice(order_idx * length, (order_idx + 1) * length) return position raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for key: {key}.") @staticmethod def _gen_directory(orders, wavenumbers): directory = { tuple(key): pos for pos, key in enumerate(product(orders, wavenumbers)) } return directory